
2020-21 ACT Budget to help Build a Better Normal

9 February, 2021 - The ACT Greens have today welcomed the 2020-21 Budget which includes major investments in Real Climate Action, A Home for All and making sure...

McCormack's climate wrecking threatens Australia's children and agriculture

8 February, 2021 - Responding to the Deputy Prime Minister’s statement about the climate crisis that "We are not worried, or I’m certainly not worried, about wh...

South Africa's AstraZeneca suspension underlines urgency of local vaccine manufacture

8 February, 2021 - The Greens say the suspension of the AstraZeneca vaccine roll-out in South Africa shows the need for the government to establish a publicly-o...

New program to prevent young people entering justice system

8 February, 2021 - Minister for Justice Health and Assistant Minister for Families and Community Services, Emma Davidson today launched a family intervention pr...

Samuel Review: Future of our environment is at stake

8 February, 2021 - “The final report into the review of the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation (EPBC) Act, released more than 90 day...

EV strategy runs flat

5 February, 2021 - Today’s release of the Future Fuels Strategy Discussion Paper confirms that the government has no plan whatsoever to drive the uptake of elec...

Greens welcome Labor’s rejection of PEP11

5 February, 2021 - The Australian Greens have welcomed Labor’s confirmation today that the party opposes the renewal of the Petroleum Exploration Permit 11 (PEP...

No nukes for the Central Coast 

5 February, 2021 - The Greens strongly oppose the steps being taken by the Administrator of the Central Coast Council to remove the area’s NUCLEAR FREE ZONE sta...

Greens call for Government to diversify vaccines contracts and strategise for herd immunity 

4 February, 2021 - The Greens say that the Government must continue to expand and diversify Australia’s vaccine portfolio immediately in light of the varying ra...

Racism in Australia not going away: Scanlon report

4 February, 2021 - Australian Greens Anti-Racism spokesperson Senator Mehreen Faruqi has said that the Scanlon Foundation’s Mapping Social Cohesion report for 2...

Publicly owned mRNA vaccine manufacturer needed

4 February, 2021 - The Greens have called for the government to establish a publicly-owned mRNA vaccine manufacturer in Australia, so that Australia can be guar...

Service provider announced for new Southside Step Up Step Down

4 February, 2021 - Stride Mental Health Ltd (Stride) will provide psychosocial support services at the new Southside Step Up Step Down facility, located in Garr...

Minister Roberts' comments a smokescreen for NDIS 'power grab'

3 February, 2021 - Australian Greens Disability spokesperson Senator Jordon Steele-John has labelled comments made this morning by Minister Robert about the NDI...

Greens call for Government to investigate establishing publicly owned search engine

3 February, 2021 - Following threats from Google to withdraw services from Australia, the Greens have called on the Morrison Government to investigate the estab...

Greens and Labor together can defeat IR Bill

3 February, 2021 - The Greens’ moves to outlaw insecure work and protect gig economy workers have received a boost, with the Labor party backing those positions...