
Premier Allan must listen to Victoria's Muslim community and cancel Iftar dinner

28 February, 2024 - The Victorian Greens have backed the calls of over one hundred Muslim organisations and community members including the Islamic Council of V...

Helping local businesses to take up electric vehicles

27 February, 2024 - Three businesses have received funding as part of the ACT Government’s Business Zero Emissions Vehicle (ZEV) Grants program to help purchase...

Transphobic Liberals try another stunt to peddle hate

27 February, 2024 - After tabling his transphobic and homophobic bill to Parliament last year, Senator Alex Antic has brought on a motion today to have his bill...

Greens move to immediately reinstate UNRWA funding amid humanitarian catastrophe in Gaza

27 February, 2024 - Today the Greens moved to suspend Senate Standing Orders to insist Labor immediately reinstate essential, live-saving UNRWA funding to Gaza ...

Full house expected for Greens Town Hall Meeting on Inner West rezoning and planning reforms

27 February, 2024 - Over 340 people have registered to attend a Leichhardt Town Hall meeting at 7pm tonight, to learn what the Labor Government’s proposed rezon...

Government should stop subsidising discrimination as gender pay gap data is revealed

27 February, 2024 - The Greens welcome the release of employer-level gender pay gap data by the Workplace Gender Equality Agency (WGEA) today, a move that we ha...

Greens Say Parliament Must End Support of State of Israel’s Brutal Invasion of Gaza

26 February, 2024 - In the shadow of the State of Israel’s impending all out siege of Rafah, the Australian Greens have given the Albanese government the opport...

Dr Andrew Forrest backs Climate Trigger while Labor backs gas

26 February, 2024 - Monday 26 Feb 2024 The Greens have called on Labor to listen to business leaders like Dr Andrew 'Twiggy' Forrest who today called for a c...

Greens' pressure sees pill testing on horizon, but shouldn't come at expense of injecting room

26 February, 2024 - The Victorian Greens have welcomed reports the Victorian Labor Government is preparing to support a pill testing trial, and say it will save...

Liberal MP sees no difference between protesters and January 26 Neo-Nazis in insulting Estimates spray

23 February, 2024 - In a galling line of questioning on the fourth day of NSW Budget Estimates, Liberal MP Susan Carter suggested she saw no difference between ...

Greens to chair inquiry into controversial top down planning reform

23 February, 2024 - The NSW Parliament has today established an Inquiry into the highly controversial Transport-Oriented Development State Environment Planning ...

Greens welcome National Student Ombudsman, but it must have teeth

23 February, 2024 - Australian Greens Deputy Leader, Senator Mehreen Faruqi, and Greens Senate leader Larissa Waters welcome the announcement today that educati...