
Massive expansion to Coronavirus Supplement after Greens pressure causes Government backflip

23 March, 2020 - More than 250,000 Australians will have an extra $550 a fortnight to get through the Coronavirus crisis, after the Greens pushed the government...

Greens will seek to amend stimulus package to ensure that everyone in the community is supported 

23 March, 2020 - The Greens have circulated amendments in the senate to make sure no-one is disadvantaged by the Government’s stimulus package.  The Greens will...

Reducing family violence during the coronavirus crisis: Greens

23 March, 2020 - The Greens have called on the Morrison Government to urgently fund services needed to respond to the increased risk of family violence during t...

Jobseeker increase welcomed but untenable to drop people back to old rate in 6 months

22 March, 2020 - "The Government has finally listened to the community and all those living in poverty who have been crying out for an increase to Newstart for ...

Changes to mutual obligations make no sense and are cruel and mean spirited

21 March, 2020 - The Greens say the Government’s proposed changes to mutual obligations miss the point. Many people on Newstart don’t have or are unable to affo...

Steele-John: Statement regarding travel to Canberra for Parliament

20 March, 2020 - Friday 20th March, 2020 After seeking advice from medical professionals, my colleagues and my family, I have made the decision to stay in Weste...

Big banks failing homeowners who deserve mortgage holiday too

20 March, 2020 - This morning’s decision by the big four banks to do nothing for homeowners risks putting families out on the streets, Leader of the Australian ...

Close the Gap Day and COVID-19

19 March, 2020 - COVID-19 has the potential to cause severe harm to First Nations communities particularly in regional and remote areas, older Australians, disa...

COVID-19: Greens call for child care subsidy ‘activity test’ to be scrapped

19 March, 2020 - Australian Greens Senator and Education spokesperson Dr Mehreen Faruqi has called on the federal government to scrap the Activity Test for the ...

COVID-19 response from Disability Reform Council "appalling": Greens

19 March, 2020 - Thursday 19 March, 2020 Australian Greens disability spokesperson Senator Jordon Steele-John has described the COAG Disability Reform Council's...

Greens repeat calls for Newstart changes to be delayed until Centrelink is fit for purpose

19 March, 2020 - The Greens have repeated their calls for the Government to delay changes to Newstart and the Sickness Allowance in the face of the COVID-19 cri...

Greens announce plan to Save Creative Australia

19 March, 2020 - As the unfolding COVID-19 crisis continues to impact the Australia arts and creative industries, the Australian Greens have called for urgent g...

Greens call on Treasurer to support the not-for-profit and community sector

18 March, 2020 - The Australian Greens have written to Treasurer Josh Frydenberg, calling for a $2 billion investment in the not-for-profit and community sector...

Airline bailout must ensure fair deal for workers and taxpayers, say Greens

18 March, 2020 -   The Greens are calling on the Government to make sure that the security of the workforce of the major airlines is prioritised in the bailout...

Covid-19 Housing Crisis & Rental Stress Needs Emergency Measures: Greens

18 March, 2020 - Senator Mehreen Faruqi, Australian Greens spokesperson for Housing is demanding emergency measures to support people to keep a roof over their ...