
Net-zero by 2050 not enough, Australia's leading climate scientists say

25 February, 2020 - Leader of the Australian Greens, Adam Bandt MP, has commended Australia’s leading climate scientists for their courage in warning that both ...

TAFE HECS plans raise prospect of increased fees

25 February, 2020 - The NSW Government proposal to introduce the HECS system for TAFE students raises the very real prospect of significant fee increases, and t...

Greens move to give climate victims the right to sue fossil fuel companies

24 February, 2020 - Greens Leader Adam Bandt has introduced a Bill into the House of Representatives - Liability for Climate Change Damage (Make the Polluters P...

Greens move to cap political donations

24 February, 2020 - The Greens will move to get big money out of politics this week by introducing a bill to cap donations to political parties at  $1000 per ye...

Media Release: Greens Bill bans all coal mines in Galilee Basin

24 February, 2020 - Greens Senate Leader Senator Larissa Waters has today introduced a bill in the Senate to ban thermal coal mines in the Galilee Basin, effect...

'Climate Trigger' laws off to Senate Inquiry

24 February, 2020 - Debate commenced in the Senate today on the Greens ‘Climate Trigger’ Bill which would require climate impacts and carbon emissions to be ass...

Waste reform welcome, but Government mustn't burn their way to target

24 February, 2020 - The Victorian Greens have welcomed the Andrews Government’s ambitious plan to reduce the amount of waste going to landfill by 80 per cent ov...

Victoria needs 'cash for containers' scheme sooner than 2023

24 February, 2020 - After campaigning on the issue for more than a decade, the Victorian Greens have welcomed the Victorian Labor Government’s decision to intro...

ACT Greens disappointed at TU closure

24 February, 2020 - Ahead of its closure this Friday, the ACT Greens say they are disappointed at the Government’s handling of the Tenants Union (TU) tender pro...

Net zero by 2050 and new coal mines will not save us from the climate emergency: Bandt

21 February, 2020 - Australian Greens Leader Adam Bandt has warned that achieving net zero emissions by 2050 while opening new coal mines will not save us from ...

Government funding for domestic violence response and prevention should top $5 billion

21 February, 2020 - The Federal Government’s announcement today of a pitiful $2.4 million funding for men's behaviour change programs to address domestic violen...

Greens call on Government to count the women whose lives are lost and under threat

21 February, 2020 - The ACT Greens have today called on the ACT Government to better account for the impact of domestic violence in the ACT. The Greens say t...

New leadership and a Green New Deal

21 February, 2020 - By Adam Bandt It is an absolute honour to be elected as the Parliamentary Leader of the Australian Greens. I want to thank Richard f...

Forests and climate change

21 February, 2020 - Forests play a key role in determining climate, locally and globally – and their importance is even more critical now as global temperatures...