
No amendments, no support: Greens move to block NSW climate laws

17 November, 2023 - The NSW Greens will be voting against the Government’s proposed climate laws unless amendments are agreed to that set more ambitious emissio...

Student Safety Ombudsman Must Have Teeth

17 November, 2023 - Australian Greens Deputy Leader, Senator Mehreen Faruqi, and Senator Larissa Waters welcome reports today that a national ombudsman on stude...

Global boiling: reinforcing conservation efforts amidst an escalating climate crisis

17 November, 2023 - With a predicted dryer than average summer ahead, the ACT Government is applying lessons learnt from the 2020 bushfires to protect the Canbe...

‘Pumbah’ the dingo in Parliament House to highlight need for protections

16 November, 2023 - Senator Cox has welcomed Pumbah the dingo to Parliament House in an event to highlight the need for dingoes to be protected. Comments...

Work begins on Belconnen Oval Wetland

16 November, 2023 - Work on the Belconnen Oval Wetland to improve water quality and catchment health has now commenced. Minister for Water, Energy and Emissi...

Rural kids being left behind in dental health deserts

16 November, 2023 - The Victorian Greens have called on the Victorian Labor Government to urgently address the dental health care deserts across regional Victor...

Albanese's Tampa Moment

16 November, 2023 - Labor’s panicked and craven decision to collude with Peter Dutton to jam through draconian, anti-refugee laws will be Anthony Albanese’s Tam...

New funding for Canberra’s community gardens

16 November, 2023 - Eighteen local projects have received funding through Round 9 of the Community Garden Grants Program. Minister for the Environment Rebecc...

Crossbench calls for Labor to go further on climate change legislation

16 November, 2023 - Crossbench members from both Houses of NSW Parliament are working together to improve the Government’s signature Climate Change Net Zero Fut...

Expert roundtable advises on dangerous driving improvements 

15 November, 2023 - Expert roundtable advises on dangerous driving improvements  ACT Attorney-General Shane Rattenbury today hosted an expert roundtable...

Labor’s ridicule of student protesters a new low

15 November, 2023 - The Greens say Labor is hopelessly out of touch with Australia’s young people, after the government today mocked students preparing to walk ...

Labor forced to come clean on plan to demolish public housing towers

15 November, 2023 - The Victorian Labor Government has been asked to come clean on its plan to demolish 44 public housing towers and privatise the majority of t...

Wages data shows rent crisis is out of control

15 November, 2023 - The most recent data on wage growth and rent increases in Australia presents a stark picture of the escalating rental crisis, exacerbated by...

Memo Labor: Don’t let Peter Dutton write immigration detention laws again

15 November, 2023 - Labor must not let Peter Dutton dictate its response to the High Court ruling that indefinite immigration detention is unconstitutional, the...

Greens win changes to Respect at Work costs protection

15 November, 2023 - The Greens welcome the introduction of the Australian Human Rights Commission Amendment (Costs Protection) Bill 2023 today, which would impl...