
Petition triggers special parliament debate on Labor's disastrous coal-to-hydrogen project

15 November, 2023 - A community petition against Labor’s new coal-to-hydrogen project will trigger a debate in Parliament this afternoon, forcing the Labor stat...

Greens move minute's silence in Senate

15 November, 2023 - MOTION – I give notice that on the next day of sitting, I shall move—That, at the conclusion of formal motions today, the Senate observe a m...

Greens MP suspended from Parliament over pro-climate selfie

15 November, 2023 - Both Labor and the Liberals have today voted to suspend Greens MP Gabrielle de Vietri from the chamber for refusing to apologise for taking ...

Labor must take up offer for free pill testing trial in Victoria this summer

15 November, 2023 - The Greens have urged the Victorian Labor Government to take up an offer being made by public health experts to establish a free pill testin...

Forestry Corporation ordered to stop work at Flat Rock State Forest

14 November, 2023 - The Environment Protection Authority (EPA) has today issued a stop work order to NSW Forestry Corporation after it again failed to conduct a...

Tasmania’s rental crisis continues to worsen

14 November, 2023 - The 2023 Rental Affordability Index shows Tasmania is in a deepening rental crisis, the Greens say. “This is the system acting exactly as...

Greens write to Education Minister urging him to retract comments on school strikes

14 November, 2023 - Greens Education (Primary and Secondary) spokesperson Senator Penny Allman-Payne, a 30-year public school teacher, today wrote to Education ...

Controversial military exports Bill must not be rushed

14 November, 2023 - Late last Friday night the Albanese Government snuck out an exposure draft for the Defence Trade Controls Amendment Bill 2023 with submissio...

Construction underway for modernised mental health service facilities for young people

13 November, 2023 - A parents room for families with younger children, a purpose-designed therapeutic arts and play activities space, and more interview rooms a...

The Greens call on Labor to learn the lessons of Robodebt and halt debt recovery

13 November, 2023 - The Greens welcome the Labor government’s in-principle acceptance of the Robodebt Royal Commission’s recommendations, but once again call on...

Cost of protest could be lowered if Minns joined the calls for a ceasefire

13 November, 2023 - NSW Premier Chris Minns has responded to peace protests that were carried out in Sydney over the weekend for the fifth consecutive week, ind...

Statement from Leader of the ACT Greens, Shane Rattenbury MLA

13 November, 2023 - Today I wish to provide a detailed account of the information raised with me about Johnathan Davis and what has happened since that time. ...

Citizen scientists uncover another Forestry Corporation fail

13 November, 2023 - Native forest logging has been brought to a halt in the Flat Rock State Forest on the South Coast after forest defenders intervened to stop ...

Greens call on the South Australian Government to urgently subsidise proven shark deterrent devices

13 November, 2023 - The Greens call on all levels of government, especially the South Australian Government, to do more to help ocean goers reduce the risk of r...

Minister Papalia’s crisis management PR spin on Unit 18

12 November, 2023 - Comments attributable to Greens portfolio holder for First Nations, Resources, Trade, Tourism and Sport, and Yamatji Noongar woman, Senator ...