
Update on Manus and Nauru

2 September, 2017 - Shek Graham The situation for refugees and people seeking asylum, held illegally on Manus Island in Papua New Guinea (PNG) and the tiny isla...

Robin's Page

2 September, 2017 - Hon Robin Chapple MLC The last month or so has been so busy, Ive hardly spent any time down in Perth!! I spent a week and a half up in the P...

A Mayor’s Perspective

2 September, 2017 - Brad Pettitt The importance of local government is wonderfully outlined in Benjamin Barbers book “If Mayors Ruled the World” – a book which ...

Tim's Page

2 September, 2017 - Hon Tim Clifford MLC What a journey. It seems like yesterday that I was walking the streets of the East Metropolitan region campaigning to g...

Reading and Riding – thanks local government

2 September, 2017 - Rob Delves As a teacher, it annoys me intensely when people say things like “stop wasting time on all this fringe feel-good extra stuff – ju...

Beyond terra nullius

2 September, 2017 - Chris Johansen Growing up in the 1950s my only exposure to aborigines was fleeting glances of humpies on the outskirts of country towns, as ...

Alison’s Page

2 September, 2017 - Hon Alison Xamon MLC It has been quite the hiatus since my last contribution to Green Issue (2013!). I am very pleased to be back. A big tha...

Reflections of a councillor

2 September, 2017 - Cliff Collinson Can you start with a few snapshots of East Fremantle Council? Well, its small: 4000 electors represented by eight councillor...

Green Issue: Editorial August 2017

2 September, 2017 - The Green Issue Editors We were shocked and saddened to learn that Senator Scott Ludlum had to step down due to the dual citizenship fiasco....

Local Government and Climate Change

2 September, 2017 - Chris Johansen All of the relevant measurements – global temperatures, melting ice sheets and glaciers, rising sea levels, coral bleaching, ...

Rachel’s Page

2 September, 2017 - Senator Rachel Siewert The last issue of Green Issue seems so long ago, and much has happened since then. It is fair to say Scott's resignat...

Climate campaigning must change

2 September, 2017 - Ahri Tallon The bold, well funded and increasingly defiant Stop Adani campaign to stop coal mining in the Galilee basin has been building mo...


1 September, 2017 - Murdoch University EBA termination shows employment laws are broken & urgent change required: Bandt Greens employment spokesperson Adam Band...

Greens call on government to step up support for our trans and gender diverse young people

1 September, 2017 - The Australian Greens are calling on the government to increase funding for support services for trans and gender diverse young people, afte...

Greens call on government to step up support for our trans and gender diverse young people

1 September, 2017 - The Australian Greens are calling on the government to increase funding for support services for trans and gender diverse young people, afte...