
Greens call on LNP to rule out One Nation deal in QLD in light of WA election result

12 March, 2017 - The Greens say the election result in Western Australia makes it clear the Liberal National Party must immediately rule out any deal with One N...

WA warning to Victorian Liberals considering One Nation deal

12 March, 2017 - Victorian Greens leader Greg Barber says the Western Australia election should be a warning to Victorian Liberals considering a preference deal...

Thank You WA!

12 March, 2017 - The Greens (WA) have congratulated the incoming McGowan Government on a well-fought campaign, and look forward to working constructively to add...

Time to double down on Musk's wager

11 March, 2017 - Elon Musk's proposal to solve South Australia’s energy crisis with battery storage is the game changer our state needs to switch back on, Austr...

Time to double down on Musk's wager

11 March, 2017 - Elon Musk's proposal to solve South Australia’s energy crisis with battery storage is the game changer our state needs to switch back on, Austr...

Government using commission only private debt collectors for automated debt recovery program

9 March, 2017 - The Senate inquiry into the Centrelink debt recovery process has revealed that the Government is paying private debt collectors commission only ...

ACT Greens call for religious institutions and instructors to be included in Reportable Conduct Scheme

9 March, 2017 - “The Reportable Conduct Scheme seeks to protect those most vulnerable in our communities, particularly children, from institutionalised abuse,” ...

Estimates: Domino's pizzas

9 March, 2017 - Senator RICE: The other issue I wanted to raise was the situation with Domino's and the investigation that I understand you were doing. In parti...

Government needs to protect ducks with wetland closures

9 March, 2017 - Protected freckled ducks, blue-billed ducks and blue-winged shovelers have been recorded at wetlands across Victoria, but only one week from ope...

Government using commission only private debt collectors for automated debt recovery program

9 March, 2017 - The Senate inquiry into the Centrelink debt recovery process has revealed that the Government is paying private debt collectors commission only ...

Homophobic lies and misinformation about Safe Schools must stop

9 March, 2017 - The continued spread of lies and misinformation about Safe Schools represents callous attempts to marginalise a vulnerable group of young people...

Greens wish Kate Ellis well, gear up to campaign for seat of Adelaide

9 March, 2017 - South Australian Greens Senator Sarah Hanson-Young has wished Labor MP Kate Ellis well after the Lower House MP announced she will not be re-con...

Level Up WA: Our plan for the videogames industry

9 March, 2017 - With a small smart investment from government, Western Australia could become a hub for the national video games industry, which generates more ...

Greens stand with childcare workers striking today

8 March, 2017 - The Australian Greens stand in solidarity with the thousands of childcare workers striking this afternoon to highlight the low wages they receiv...

Australian Greens respond to claims one-third of parents unsure about vaccination.

8 March, 2017 - Australian Greens Leader Dr Richard Di Natale today said: “Immunisation is one of the most successful public health initiatives ever, and has le...