
Greens will vote down childcare if 15 hours not guaranteed

23 March, 2017 - The Australian Greens have announced that they will vote down the government’s childcare package if it refuses to commit to guaranteeing vulner...

Greens and Labor secure support for senate inquiry into broken Community Development Program

22 March, 2017 - The Greens and Labor have secured Senate support for a senate inquiry into the failing Community Development Program that is being rolled out i...

ACT Greens call for tax on vacant properties

22 March, 2017 - “I believe we need to take clear steps to address the housing affordability crisis. For too long the taxation system has benefitted investors o...

$1.4 billion in cuts

22 March, 2017 - Transcript: Following on from the contribution of Senator Wong, I think it is really important that people who are not familiar with the somewh...

Greens and Labor secure support for senate inquiry into broken Community Development Program

22 March, 2017 - The Greens and Labor have secured Senate support for a senate inquiry into the failing Community Development Program that is being rolled out i...

Giving more people the freedom to ride their bikes

22 March, 2017 - On a Friday night, just 10 days ago, in the suburbs of Melbourne, a young woman by the name of Arzu was riding her bike from her home in Moonee...

Victorian government responsible for protected duck slaughter

22 March, 2017 - The Greens have condemned the Victorian government’s declaration that duck shooting opening weekend was a success, as hundreds of protected and...

$730 million war chest

22 March, 2017 - I give notice that on the next day of sitting I shall move that The Senate – notes: the Government’s recent announcement that it plans to spend...

Dutch surge

22 March, 2017 - Felicity Gray The recent elections in the Netherlands were watched here and internationally with much anticipation. GroenLinks rocketed from fo...

Charting a new course

22 March, 2017 - Emma Davidson Going to listen to a National Press Club speech is usually all about the menu, and who you might be sitting with. The speech is j...

Greens oppose harsh omnibus bill and call on crossbench to do the same

21 March, 2017 - The Greens will oppose the Omnibus Bill proposed by the Government that would cut billions from the social safety net. The Greens have tabled a...

Senate calls for action on Aboriginal hearing health

21 March, 2017 - The Greens have secured Senate support for a motion calling on Australian Governments to urgently address hearing loss in Aboriginal and Torres...

Justice for teargassed youth at Don Dale welcome: Greens

21 March, 2017 - Australian Greens Senator Rachel Siewert has welcomed the decision by Justice Judith Kelly to award damages to four teenagers who were tear-gas...