
Reallocate Roe 8 funding to rehabilitation and public transport

21 March, 2017 - I give notice that on the next day of sitting I shall move that The Senate — [a]    Notes: (i)      the resounding defeat of the Barnett Govern...

Greens oppose harsh omnibus bill and call on crossbench to do the same

21 March, 2017 - The Greens will oppose the Omnibus Bill proposed by the Government that would cut billions from the social safety net. The Greens have tabled a...

Justice for teargassed youth at Don Dale welcome: Greens

21 March, 2017 - Australian Greens Senator Rachel Siewert has welcomed the decision by Justice Judith Kelly to award damages to four teenagers who were tear-gas...

An independent international fact finding mission into human rights abuses in Rakhine State

21 March, 2017 - I give notice that on the next day of sitting I shall move that The Senate –      1. notes: a. the deeply concerning reports of the persecution...

Senate calls for action on Aboriginal hearing health

21 March, 2017 - The Greens have secured Senate support for a motion calling on Australian Governments to urgently address hearing loss in Aboriginal and Torres...

Senate calls for federal investment for people who ride bikes

21 March, 2017 - The Senate has supported a Greens motion acknowledging the importance of bike riding for millions of Australians and calling on the federal gov...

Strengthening our global network

21 March, 2017 - Felicity Gray 'Think Globally, Act Locally' has long been a catch cry of the Green Party movement, and every five to seven years, we put that i...

Our precious heritage

21 March, 2017 - Ellen Sandell Late last year, the Royal Historical Society of Victoria published Remember Melbourne 1850-1960. The book details the loss of mor...

The Business of Government

21 March, 2017 - Fergus Halliday Even if we contort ourselves enough to discount the uncomfortably close ties between big corporations and certain major politi...

Australian Greens respond to Native Title Amendment Bill 2017

20 March, 2017 - Australian Greens spokesperson on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander issues Senator Rachel Siewert says:   “The proposed amendments to the N...

Multiculturalism is a wonderful thing

20 March, 2017 - Today Malcolm Turnbull has given a speech outlining his vision for multicultural Australia. The speech is more warning than welcome, with a foc...

Australian Greens respond to Native Title Amendment Bill 2017

20 March, 2017 - Australian Greens spokesperson on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander issues Senator Rachel Siewert says:   “The proposed amendments to the N...

More cuts to social safety net not the solution for budget repair: Greens

17 March, 2017 - The Business Council’s claims that we would require a $50 billion cut to the social safety net to plug up the budget if savings don’t pass the ...

Government marriage rift with big business easily solved

17 March, 2017 - There is a way out of the government’s awkward bickering with Australia’s top CEOs over marriage equality, say the Greens. “Every section of so...

Greens MP to attend opening of the duck shooting season

17 March, 2017 - Who: Sue Pennicuik MLC, Victorian Greens Animal Welfare spokesperson When: Saturday 18 March, from sunrise onwards Where: North West Victoria  ...