
Want clever Year Ones? Start with addressing early education funding shortfalls

30 January, 2017 - The Liberal Government’s plan to test Year One students is merely a distraction from their unwillingness to adequately fund and resource earl...

Timing of Government plan to toughen asbestos safety rules ludicrous following Roe 8 debacle: Greens

27 January, 2017 - The Greens have today slammed the Barnett Government for being hypocritical following an announcement of its intention to apply “tough new pe...

Fracking ban to protect the Kimberley’s precious places: Greens

27 January, 2017 - Friday, 27 January Liz Vaughan, Greens candidate for the Kimberley, is calling for a ban on fracking and unconventional gas across the region...

Greens Senator for SA Sarah Hanson-Young welcomes new citizens

26 January, 2017 - Greens Senator for South Australia Sarah Hanson-Young had the honour of welcoming and congratulating almost 100 new citizens at the Mitcham A...

Greens to introduce Bill to protect Australia from dodgy trade deals

25 January, 2017 - Trade deals should not be able to include clauses that allow foreign companies to sue the Australian Government for legislative changes, know...

Inquiry shows path forward for marriage equality

25 January, 2017 - A Senate Inquiry has shown that equal marriage is possible in this term of Parliament, despite highlighting flaws in the federal government’s...

Return of the Great Solar Rip-off

25 January, 2017 - As South Australians gear up for another sun-drenched Australia Day public holiday, a decision by the Essential Services Commission of South ...

West Bank settlement push should be condemned not cheered: Greens

25 January, 2017 - The Australian Government should condemn the aggressive Israeli expansion further into the West Bank, not lead the cheer squad alongside Dona...

Greens say rail extension would be nice, but will they really build it?

25 January, 2017 - The Greens have today expressed scepticism over the Government’s ability to deliver on its pledge to build a rail extension between Thornlie ...

Greens to introduce Bill to protect Australia from dodgy trade deals

25 January, 2017 - Trade deals should not be able to include clauses that allow foreign companies to sue the Australian Government for legislative changes, know...

Global LGBT+ Network to launch

25 January, 2017 - Sean Mulcahy The Global Greens LGBT+ network “aims to facilitate networking and cooperation between LGBT+ groups in Green parties across the ...

Multicolouring the Greens

25 January, 2017 - Huong Truong For the past 10 years, I've been a Greens member taking in progressive politics from the ever-changing Melbourne suburbs. For th...

Extend the support for foster care

25 January, 2017 - Tammy Franks According to recent statistics, more than half of Australians aged between 18 and 24 have not yet left home and, although 25-34 ...

Creating a space for people of colour

25 January, 2017 - Marcella Brassett Since I joined the Greens, working on Adam Bandt MP's 2013 campaign, I have been working to create spaces of safety, partic...