
Greens support review of bail system but say the courts need more resources

24 January, 2017 - Victorian Greens Justice spokesperson, Sue Pennicuik, expressed her deepest sympathies to the victims and families of those affected by the t...

Time to leave the TPP, not Australian community, in the dust

23 January, 2017 - Future trade deals need to hold every day Australians at their centre, not just corporations, Australian Greens Trade spokesperson Senator Sa...

Time to leave the TPP, not Australian community, in the dust

23 January, 2017 - Future trade deals need to hold every day Australians at their centre, not just corporations, Australian Greens Trade spokesperson Senator Sa...

Greens welcome lockout law backdown

23 January, 2017 - The Greens are calling on the Queensland Labor government to scrap the 1am lockout laws entirely, rather than just put them on them on hold. ...

Government indifference helping spread asbestos fears

20 January, 2017 - The Barnett Government’s apparent indifference despite confirmed widespread asbestos contamination in the Roe 8 project area is adding to fea...

Greens back calls for Environment Court in Western Australia

20 January, 2017 - The Greens have today backed calls from WA scientists for the establishment of an independent environment court to rule on appeals about whet...

Statement on non-violent protest

19 January, 2017 - As an individual and a proud Australian Greens member, I am deeply committed to the principle of non-violence. It is a founding and core pill...

Statement on non-violent protest

19 January, 2017 - As an individual and a proud Australian Greens member, I am deeply committed to the principle of non-violence. It is a founding and core pill...

Urgent stop-work needed to protect Roe 8 workers, residents and police

19 January, 2017 - The Greens have called for an immediate stoppage of clearing in Coolbellup and say reports of deadly asbestos fibres more than a month ago sh...

Turnbull missed the boat with reshuffle

18 January, 2017 - Rewarding Greg Hunt with the health portfolio after his disastrous turn as Environment Minister shows just how out of touch Malcolm Turnbull ...

Eric Abetz costs Tasmania a seat in Cabinet

18 January, 2017 - The blame for Tasmania missing out on a seat in the federal Cabinet lies squarely on the shoulders of Senator Eric Abetz, Greens Senator for ...

Better bushfire readiness as summers get hotter: Greens

18 January, 2017 - The Greens would fight to create a fully independent rural/bushfire service for volunteer firefighters to deal with mitigation, bushfirerespo...

Dutton must be sacked over DIBP maladministration

18 January, 2017 - Peter Dutton must be sacked and his department cleaned out because of ongoing and serious human rights abuses and financial maladministration...

Greening Heysen

18 January, 2017 - The Greens’ campaign for the state seat of Heysen at the March 2018 election is now picking up pace following the announcement by Liberal Mem...

Turnbull missed the boat with reshuffle

18 January, 2017 - Rewarding Greg Hunt with the health portfolio after his disastrous turn as Environment Minister shows just how out of touch Malcolm Turnbull ...