
Western Distributor doesn’t stack up: Senate Estimates

19 October, 2016 - Senior Infrastructure officials raise serious doubts about Western Distributor at federal estimates Commonwealth assessment of the business c...

Greens congratulate Oliver Yates on leading the Clean Energy Finance Corporation

19 October, 2016 - Australian Greens Leader Richard Di Natale today praised the work of the inaugural CEO of the Clean Energy Finance Corporation, Oliver Yates ...

Dan Delivers Leadbeater Deaths

19 October, 2016 - On Monday the State Government quietly published its latest Timber Release Plan, which lists areas of native forest slated for clear-felling ...

Global Greens Congress 2017

18 October, 2016 - For the first time ever, the Global Greens and the European Green Party will hold their congresses together! Vi...

Greens urge Premier to quit irresponsible pokies addiction

17 October, 2016 - The Greens have urged Premier Daniel Andrews to mark Responsible Gambling Awareness Week by quitting his irresponsible pokies addiction. “If ...

Greens call on Government to admit unfunded Roe 8 project a shambles

17 October, 2016 - Greens South Metropolitan MLC Lynn MacLaren says today’s revelation that federal funding for Roe 8 will be withheld makes the Barnett Governm...

PM’s office did not take advice on Macfarlane appointment - Ministerial Standards trashed

17 October, 2016 - The Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet has confirmed in Senate estimates today that the Prime Minister’s office did not ask for advice ...