
Ballarat Melton Rail Line Duplication will finally happen!

27 April, 2016 - Greens welcome the commitment to duplicate the Ballarat Rail Line in the 2016-17 Victorian Budget, saying it will deliver better services for r...

Community Legal Centres miss out in family violence package, say Greens

27 April, 2016 - Community Legal Centres, which help thousands of family violence victims with their legal problems, have been overlooked in the Victorian budge...

Drilling in the Bight inquiry in Adelaide

27 April, 2016 - The Environment and Communications Reference Committee will be holding a hearing in Adelaide TOMORROW as part of its inquiry, established by Gr...

Drop the deregulation – there is a fairer option

27 April, 2016 - Australian Greens higher education spokesperson Senator Robert Simms has urged the government to drop its plan to deregulate university fees, w...

Last minute to midnight resolution for CSIRO climate scientists still equals cuts and uncertainty

27 April, 2016 - Chairman of the Senate Select Committee into the Scrutiny of Government Budget Measures, and Greens Senator for Tasmania, Senator Peter Whish-W...

The disappearing public service

27 April, 2016 - Christina Hobbs In the lead-up to the last federal election, Ford announced it would close its Australian manufacturing workshops and shed 1,20...

Heating up

27 April, 2016 - Rosanne Bersten Victoria With an early election on the cards, we're gearing up for our first Day of Action Door Knock in the inner city on Satu...

CSIRO management to be grilled on final job cuts

26 April, 2016 - Greens Senator for Tasmania and Chair of the Senate Select Committee into the Scrutiny of Government Budget Measures, Senator Peter Whish-Wilso...

Re-announcement of $50 million for Reef today equals Government’s Reef funding cuts

26 April, 2016 - The Environment Minister's announcement of $50 million in Reef Trust projects today is a re-announcement of existing Reef funding and is underm...

Burt community will be nervous about the proposed cashless card: Greens

26 April, 2016 - “It is unsurprising that the person who helped advise the Government on the unfair cashless welfare card would try and promote it in their capa...

Riding on pavement no answer to shortage of bike paths

26 April, 2016 - Bike riders who opt to ride on footpaths under a relaxing of the rules by the Barnett Government must take extreme care around vulnerable pedes...

Greens: Western Power sale clearly being pursued

26 April, 2016 - Tuesday, 26 April A tender to advertise the state government’s planned electricity market review shows privatisation of Western Power is clearl...

Bendigo Street homeless protesters kicked out

26 April, 2016 - Rather than evict a family to homelessness, the Andrews government must take serious action on public housing. With the public housing waiting ...

Re-announcement of $50 million for Reef today equals Government’s Reef funding cuts

26 April, 2016 - 26/04/2016 The Environment Minister’s announcement of $50 million in Reef Trust projects today is a re-announcement of existing Reef funding an...

New CSIRO climate science centre a ‘sleight of hand’

26 April, 2016 - Greens Science spokesperson Adam Bandt MP today said the CSIRO management’s announcement of a new climate science centre in Hobart is really ju...