
ACT Greens call for broader investigation into Land Development Agency’s past acquisitions

14 February, 2016 - Today, the Minister for Housing and Suburban Development, Ms Yvette Berry, presented the Government’s official response to the Auditor-Gener...

ACT Greens call for broader investigation into Land Development Agency’s past acquisitions

14 February, 2016 - Today, the Minister for Housing and Suburban Development, Ms Yvette Berry, presented the Government’s official response to the Auditor-Gener...

Government plans to roll out non-sniffable fuel in Katherine; Gulf region and East Kimberley

12 February, 2016 - The Government has announced plans to mandate non-sniffable fuel in Katherine to combat the scourge of petrol sniffing in the community. Th...

Calls to Centrelink more likely to reach a block signal or customers give up before reaching a service operator

12 February, 2016 - "15.7 million calls to Centrelink were blocked and abandoned during the last six months of last year whilst just 10.6 million got through to...

We like and respect the UN, sometimes: Government

12 February, 2016 - The United Nations issued a finding that an Australian citizen has been unlawfully detained without charge for five and a half years, yet ou...

Are people being prevented from voting because they're declared of "unsound mind"?

12 February, 2016 - Senator RICE: I want to talk about the issue of people being removed from the electoral roll because they are of unsound mind. Mr Rogers: I ...

Estimates reveals cashless welfare card still has huge loopholes and remains a waste of time and resources

12 February, 2016 - Estimates has revealed the cashless welfare card trial set for South Australia and the East Kimberley still has logistical issues and loopho...

What is a regulator for again?

12 February, 2016 - The Northern Territory mine regulator is inviting uranium companies to ignore any environmental safeguards with their refusal to prosecute E...

Calls to Centrelink more likely to reach a block signal or customers give up before reaching a service operator

12 February, 2016 - "15.7 million calls to Centrelink were blocked and abandoned during the last six months of last year whilst just 10.6 million got through to...

We like and respect the UN, sometimes: Government

12 February, 2016 - The United Nations issued a finding that an Australian citizen has been unlawfully detained without charge for five and a half years, yet ou...

Nationals MP’s offensive marriage equality comments must be condemned: Australian Greens

12 February, 2016 - Australian Greens marriage equality spokesperson Robert Simms says Nationals MP Andrew Broad's comments linking rams "mounting each other" i...

Government plans to roll out non-sniffable fuel in Katherine; Gulf region and East Kimberley

12 February, 2016 - The Government has announced plans to mandate non-sniffable fuel in Katherine to combat the scourge of petrol sniffing in the community. Th...

Estimates reveals cashless welfare card still has huge loopholes and remains a waste of time and resources

12 February, 2016 - Estimates has revealed the cashless welfare card trial set for South Australia and the East Kimberley still has logistical issues and loopho...

What is a regulator for again?

12 February, 2016 - The Northern Territory mine regulator is inviting uranium companies to ignore any environmental safeguards with their refusal to prosecute E...