
Medicinal cannabis bill only the first piece of the puzzle: Greens

10 February, 2016 - Australian Greens Leader Dr Richard Di Natale today cautiously welcomed the government's bill to establish a national licensing scheme for t...

Open Letter to Prime Minister Turnbull on recognising Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders

9 February, 2016 - Dear Prime Minister Turnbull In a few days, you will be tabling your first Closing the Gap report in Parliament. It’s an important day for Ab...

CSIRO climate science cuts a test for Turnbull: Greens

9 February, 2016 - The Australian Greens today said the CSIRO’s cuts to climate science are a test for Malcolm Turnbull on innovation and called on the Prime Mi...

Report finds NT intervention failed to Close the Gap and meet international human rights obligations

9 February, 2016 - The independent report by Monash University showing the NT intervention simultaneously failed to meet Close the Gap targets and international...

Greens welcome report on reconciliation

9 February, 2016 - Senator Rachel Siewert has welcomed the launch of a Reconciliation Australia report that lists seven key recommendations aimed at achieving a...

National Interest Analysis of the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement is a farce

9 February, 2016 - Greens spokesperson for Trade, Senator Peter Whish-Wilson, has labelled the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP) National Interest Analy...

Greens pen letter to PM on Close the Gap and the need to address unfinished business

9 February, 2016 - On the eve of the Closing the Gap report, Senator Siewert has written to the Prime Minister outlining concerns that Australia will struggle t...

Government confirms plans to introduce Divorce Tax

9 February, 2016 - Australian Greens spokesperson for Legal Affairs Nick McKim says he is disappointed the federal government is refusing to listen to the Senat...

Report finds NT intervention failed to Close the Gap and meet international human rights obligations

9 February, 2016 - The independent report by Monash University showing the NT intervention simultaneously failed to meet Close the Gap targets and international...

Open Letter to Prime Minister Turnbull on recognising Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders

9 February, 2016 - Dear Prime Minister Turnbull In a few days, you will be tabling your first Closing the Gap report in Parliament. It’s an important day for Ab...

CSIRO climate science cuts a test for Turnbull: Greens

9 February, 2016 - The Australian Greens today said the CSIRO’s cuts to climate science are a test for Malcolm Turnbull on innovation and called on the Prime Mi...

Greens pen letter to PM on Close the Gap and the need to address unfinished business

9 February, 2016 - On the eve of the Closing the Gap report, Senator Siewert has written to the Prime Minister outlining concerns that Australia will struggle t...

Inquiry announced into 'metre matters' bicycle overtaking laws

9 February, 2016 - Greens transport spokesperson Samatha Dunn says a new parliamentary inquiry into the Greens ‘Metre Matters’ bill is the first step towards mi...

Greens welcome report on reconciliation

9 February, 2016 - Senator Rachel Siewert has welcomed the launch of a Reconciliation Australia report that lists seven key recommendations aimed at achieving a...

The CEFC Turnbull wants to axe made $73 million, cuts power bills for low income residents

8 February, 2016 - Senate Estimates questioning by the Australian Greens today revealed that the Clean Energy Finance Corporation, which the Liberal Government ...