
Alternatives to Violence Project

9 December, 2015 - The Alternatives to Violence Project (AVP) is a training programme enabling participants to deal with potentially violent situations in new a...

Government must take action after fish kill; can’t blame Nature

9 December, 2015 - Greens Member for South Metropolitan Lynn MacLaren MLC says the Government must announce new measures to protect Cockburn Sound’s marine life...

World War 1 Quaker Exhibition in Albany

9 December, 2015 - If you are in the Albany area, the exhibition "World War 1: Quaker witness to peace and non-violence" is opening on Sunday, 13th December, at...

Liberals failing to upgrade economy to beat climate change

9 December, 2015 - The Australian Government has deservedly been ranked third last out of 58 large countries on the strength of their policies to tackle global ...

Greens vow to continue adoption equality fight

9 December, 2015 - Victorian Greens LGBTI spokesperson Sam Hibbins has welcomed the passing of adoption equality legislation, but criticised the Coalition's ame...

Labor Premiers selling out poor Australians by considering GST rise

9 December, 2015 - Greens Treasury spokesperson Adam Bandt MP today said that Labor Premiers are selling out poor Australians by joining their Liberal colleague...

Bonjour from Paris!

9 December, 2015 - Senator Richard Di Natale It's such a privilege to be representing the Australian Greens here at COP21, where so many leaders — heads of stat...

Minister announces regular fuel ban on Palm Island

8 December, 2015 - The Government has mandated low-aromatic fuel on Palm Island to combat the scourge of petrol sniffing in the community. This is the first tim...

Julie Bishop's innovation statement in Paris rings hollow

8 December, 2015 - Australian Greens Leader Richard Di Natale was in the room to see Australia's Foreign Minister address the UN climate talks in Paris overnigh...

Greens blast Opposition, Government for wanting more bad development in Cockburn Sound

8 December, 2015 - Greens Member for South Metropolitan Lynn MacLaren MLC has criticised the State Opposition and the Barnett Government for continuing to suppo...

Minister announces regular fuel ban on Palm Island

8 December, 2015 - The Government has mandated low-aromatic fuel on Palm Island to combat the scourge of petrol sniffing in the community. This is the first tim...

Turnbull faces public transport test in Victoria

8 December, 2015 - Turnbull faces public transport test in Victoria The Greens are calling on Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull to put his money where his selfies...

Innovation Statement welcome, but not enough to replace massive research cuts

7 December, 2015 - The Greens broadly welcome the Turnbull Government’s Innovation Statement, however it does not repair the huge damage done to the science and...

New funding welcome but concerns remain over commercial engagement

7 December, 2015 - The Greens welcome Malcolm Turnbull's commitment to university research, but are concerned about the increased focus on industry engagement w...