
Private health review won’t improve patient care

9 November, 2015 - Australian Greens Leader Richard Di Natale says a review of private health insurance is sorely needed, but the best deal for Australians is a...

Christmas Island in meltdown: detention network review required

9 November, 2015 - Following the death of an Iranian refugee on Christmas Island, the Australian Greens have urged the government to explain exactly what is goi...

Narrow defeat of Turnbull Government anti-choice abortion Senate motion is alarming

9 November, 2015 - 09/11/2015 The Senate has narrowly defeated a Turnbull Government motion opposing Greens’ state and territory legislation for exclusion ...

Northern Australia Infrastructure Facility draft criteria ignore cultural, environmental and social impacts

9 November, 2015 - The Northern Australia Infrastructure Facility criteria, released by the Turnbull Government today, fail to rule out the $5 billion facility ...

Court case to argue Turnbull Government failed Reef responsibility in re-approving Adani coal mine

9 November, 2015 - The Australian Greens welcome the Australian Conservation Foundation's legal challenge against the federal government's re-approval of Adani'...

Turnbull must allocate resources to conventions and show true commitment to Constitutional Recognition

9 November, 2015 - To progress the issue of Constitutional Recognition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples it is essential they have the opportunit...

Labor votes with the Liberals to bring ISDS to Australia via the China Free Trade Agreement

9 November, 2015 - This evening the Greens voted against the enabling legislation for the China-Australia Free Trade Agreement (ChAFTA), an agreement that expos...

Treasurer should include carbon tax in Tax White Paper: Greens

9 November, 2015 - Greens treasury spokesperson Adam Bandt MP today called on Treasurer Scott Morrison to include a carbon tax in the government’s Tax White Pap...

Northern Australia Infrastructure Facility draft criteria ignore cultural, environmental and social impacts

9 November, 2015 - The Northern Australia Infrastructure Facility criteria, released by the Turnbull Government today, fail to rule out the $5 billion facility ...

Greens members unanimously reject dangerous and undemocratic TPP and ChAFTA deals

8 November, 2015 - Today during the plenary session of the Australian Greens national conference, Greens party members have unanimously passed a resolution oppo...

Public universities: path to Australia's future

8 November, 2015 - Senator Robert Simms Australia's public universities are vital to our nation's future. This is not only because they are fundamental to the g...

US Congress committee to look at changing TPP – Greens call on Australian government to clarify

7 November, 2015 - The House ranking Democrat on the powerful Ways and Means Committee, Congressman Sander Levin has begun a process to review the Trans Pacific...

Richard's National Tour

7 November, 2015 - Highlights from Richard's recent National Tour.

High risk pregnancies on Nauru must be transferred to Australia: Greens

6 November, 2015 - The Australian Government should offer appropriate medical care to at least three women on Nauru who are in the late stages of high risk preg...

A note from Senator Richard Di Natale

6 November, 2015 - I was pretty surprised and disappointed to see myself paraphrased saying I'd join forces with the Libs if it meant the Greens could win a sea...