
Qld Government tries to continue on with 50 year old Great Barrier Reef shark control program unchanged

4 November, 2015 - The Greens are urging the Palaszczuk Government to update its Great Barrier Reef shark control program, which is now open for public consulta...

Greens say planning and development decisions are failing communities

4 November, 2015 - 04/11/2015 The Queensland Greens say State and Local Governments are continuing to alienate communities when it comes to planning and de...

Greens say planning and development decisions are failing communities

4 November, 2015 - 04/11/2015 The Queensland Greens say State and Local Governments are continuing to alienate communities when it comes to planning and de...

Summary Financial Results

4 November, 2015 - Income and expenditure statements for 2015. By The Australian Greens   AUSTRALIAN GREENS (THE GREENS) INCORPORATED INCOME &amp...

Federal Government should rule out Labor's nuclear plan

3 November, 2015 - The Australian Greens are alarmed by Minister Greg Hunt's suggestion that SA could become a site for nuclear power generation and waste stora...

Greens: Increasing the GST will hurt Tasmanians

3 November, 2015 - Greens spokesperson for Finance, Senator Peter Whish-Wilson, said that raising the GST is regressive, unnecessary and its impact will fall he...

CEFC annual report confirms Australia home to fuel guzzlers

3 November, 2015 - The Clean Energy Finance Corporation's annual report, released today, confirms the urgent need to act on vehicle emissions. Senator Larissa W...

Greens Senator launches federal candidate for Dawson with a sustainable, jobs-rich vision for Mackay’s future

2 November, 2015 - 02/11/2015 Australian Greens Deputy Leader, Queensland Senator Larissa Waters is today launching the Greens’ candidate for Dawson in the f...

Turnbull: The nuclear debate we’ve already had

2 November, 2015 - Friday, 30 October WA Greens Nuclear spokesperson Robin Chapple MLC said Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull was rubbing salt into old wounds af...

Government refusing to clean up political donations

2 November, 2015 - Greens MP Sam Hibbins has called on the Government to explain its refusal to toughen political donations laws, in light of new revelations th...

Greens will fight GST hike

2 November, 2015 - Greens Treasury spokesperson Adam Bandt MP says the Greens will fight the government's plan to push up the goods and services tax. "The Green...

Knights and Dames: back to square one – now Turnbull must show leadership

2 November, 2015 - Australian Greens Leader Richard Di Natale has welcomed the abolition of knights and dames from the Order of Australia, but says Australians ...

Turnbull Government in the slow lane on vehicle emissions standards

1 November, 2015 - The Turnbull Government's announcement yesterday of a Ministerial Forum to look at vehicle emissions standards puts off even the possibility ...

Embracing an economically and environmentally sustainable future for Far North QLD

31 October, 2015 - 31/10/2015 Australian Greens Deputy Leader Qld Senator Larissa Waters is today speaking at a forum in Cairns with local experts about the ...

NGO booted from Nauru while government looks to Kyrgyzstan

31 October, 2015 - The women and children on Nauru will be at even greater risk now that Save the Children have been removed from the island and Transfield Serv...