Jobs & Employment

Australia must have a fair and equitable workplace relations system that upholds the rights of all working people.

Everyone deserves a balance between work and life, enabling us to focus on our families, communities, and ourselves.

Yet, over half of all workers (56%) in Australia are unsatisfied with their working hours.

For too long, the benefits of modern work have flowed disproportionately to corporations, leaving workers juggling long hours, unpredictable schedules, and inadequate protections.

These challenges don’t just affect individuals; they ripple through families, communities, and our broader economy.

In a world where our productivity and work practices have evolved, it’s time to reimagine what a fair workplace looks like.

Working people need more security, higher pay and fulfilling work that is supported by a fair and equitable industrial relations system.

The Greens’ plans put people at the heart of workplace reforms. Our vision is to create a future where everyone has the time, stability, and security they need to thrive.


The Greens have achieved real, concrete improvements for workers this term, including the right to disconnect and criminalising superannuation theft. These ten standards will continue to guide our approach to workplace laws in the coming Parliament.

The Greens’ 10 standards for better workplace laws >>

Explore our plan

Supporting union proposals for wage increases

Millions of Australian workers struggle to keep their heads above water, while big corporations make massive profits and wield too much power.

Working people need their wages to rise, at least in line with inflation to ensure they don’t go backwards and can afford to keep up with the cost of living. This is particularly true for minimum wage workers in feminised care sectors, which have historically been undervalued and under-compensated.

The Greens' plan:

  • Help address systemic gender pay inequality and protect against real wage cuts by selectively supporting union proposals for wage increases.
  • Work with any future government to raise additional revenue to fund such proposals, in addition to measures contained in the Greens’ platform.
Roster justice

The stability of predictable and fair working hours should be a right for all workers.

Unpredictable rosters disrupt people’s lives, making it harder to plan for childcare, caring responsibilities, personal time, or even basic financial stability.

Predictable rosters will give workers the confidence to plan their lives, focus on their well-being, and meet their responsibilities without fear of last-minute disruptions or financial uncertainty.

The Greens' plan:

  • Amend the Fair Work Act to prevent unpredictable, unfair, and short-hours rostering.
  • Require employers to provide roster changes within regulated notice periods.
  • Strengthen workers' rights to refuse shifts that conflict with their availability or well-being.
Paid leave for casuals

No one should have to choose between their health and a day’s pay.  However, over a quarter of Australian workers — primarily women, migrants, and young people—miss out on paid sick leave and annual leave because they’re employed as casuals.

The Greens are working to give casual workers the same paid leave rights as other workers, ensuring everyone can rest when they’re unwell and take time to care for their loved ones.

The Greens' plan:

  • Extend pro-rata entitlements to sick leave, annual leave, and carer’s leave to all employees, including casual workers.
Superannuation for people aged under 18

Young workers should receive the same financial rights as everyone else. Currently, most workers under 18 miss out on superannuation because they don’t work enough hours per week, costing them thousands in lost retirement savings.

The Greens believe superannuation is a universal entitlement. By including under-18 workers in the superannuation system, we can give young people a head start on saving for their future while recognising their valuable contribution to the workforce.

The Greens' plan:

  • Extend the superannuation guarantee to all under 18-year-olds, ensuring they are paid contributions regardless of how many hours they work.


More information on this policy initiative will be released soon.