Explore Our Plan
- Ending LGBTIQA+ Discrimination
In Australia, our laws should protect everyone equally, yet LGBTIQA+ Australians still face discrimination at work, in education, in public life, and when accessing services or updating official documents.
Anti-discrimination laws include harmful exemptions, including allowing religious institutions to fire employees simply for being LGBTIQA+.
The Coalition and One Nation are fueling anti-trans hate, importing damaging culture wars.
Faith and personal freedoms must coexist without harm.
Structural reforms and government representation are needed to create a more inclusive society. The Greens are committed to ensuring LGBTIQA+ issues are central to government decision-making.
The Greens' plan:
- Appoint an LGBTIQA+ Human Rights Commissioner.
Provide funding for government departments and agencies to develop pathways for consultation on issues that impact LGBTIQA+ communities. - Ensure all services that receive government funding, including health and social services, agree to anti-discrimination measures.
- Improve the quality and integrity of public data collection on sex, gender, and sexual orientation in the census and data collection by other government departments.
- Fund community groups and organisations to ensure they can influence policy and priorities effectively.
- Fund a public education campaign to promote inclusion and understanding of trans and gender-diverse people.
- Provide funding for community leadership development, including training for community leaders and trans and gender-diverse community groups.
Improve access to family and intimate partner violence services for LGBTIQA+ people. - Ensure adequate and appropriate training for departmental staff so they are equipped to appropriately assess applications from LGBTIQA+ people seeking asylum.
- Ensure Australia advocates for LGBTIQA+ rights in international forums and pushes for global legal reforms, including across our region and within the Commonwealth.
- Create an aid program to support LGBTIQA+ communities internationally.
- Fund inclusion training and communication efforts within the Australian Defence Force and other uniformed services.
Conduct an independent review of historical injustices faced by LGBTIQA+ defence force veterans. - Implement a redress scheme for defence force veterans harmed by past discriminatory practices.
- Appoint an LGBTIQA+ Human Rights Commissioner.
- LGBTIQA+ Health and Social Services
The daily stigma and discrimination faced by LGBTIQA+ individuals have a serious impact on their health and wellbeing. This contributes to health disparities and a greater need for tailored healthcare services.
The Greens are committed to addressing these inequalities by investing in accessible, inclusive healthcare for LGBTIQA+ Australians and working to eliminate discriminatory practices in our health and social services systems.
The Greens' plan:
- Ensure gender-affirming care is free and publicly accessible.
- Remove discriminatory barriers to blood donations.
- Support and fully implement the National LGBTIQA+ Health and Wellbeing Action Plan to ensure inclusive and comprehensive health services and fund LGBTIQA+ community-controlled health organisations.
- Establish a national, government-led inquiry into the ex-gay/ex-trans/conversion movement, including its prevalence, practices and impact on the experiences of LGBTIQA+ Australians.
- Invest in LGBTIQA+-specific mental health programs and services.
More information on this policy initiative will be released soon.