WA Greens Events

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Upcoming events in these areas

Turning Perth Green: Inglewood Doorknock

Come help us make history this election!

Turn Freo Green Doorknock - Coolbellup!

The Greens are having hundreds of conversations with the community about the issues that matter to them- and we need your help.

Turning Swan Green - Coffee and DK in Kewdale

The Greens are having thousands of conversations with the community about issues that matter to them - and we need your help.

Freo-Tangney: Doorknock & Community Barbecue

Keen to make change in your area? In the mood for free food? Look no further!

Turning Perth Green: A Mt Hawthorn Doorknock

Come help us make history this election!

Training: Rostering People on Booths

Learn new skills & increase our vote!

Perth Team Data Party!

Come help us make history this election!

Swan Calling Party!

Come help us turn Swan Green!

Perth Team Phonebanking

Join our movement - your voice is powerful!

Turning Swan Green - Coffee and DK in Lynwood

The Greens are having thousands of conversations with the community about issues that matter to them - and we need your help.

Turning Perth Green: A Perth Doorknock

Come help us make history this election!

Keep Jordon Rolling: Federal Election Launch!