ALL Greens Events
Greens at Walk for Respect
A peaceful, non-confrontational walk to raise awareness of the key signs of Domestic Violence & Coercive Control against women, men children!
Nudgee: beginners training and door knock!
Learn how to doorknock (or refresh if it's been a while) in Nundah. It's one of the most powerful ways you can get involved in the campaign for Nudgee!
Yerrabi Stall- Franklin
Come and join us at our Greens stall this weekend. We will be speaking with our community about the issues that matter to them. Anyone is welcome, no experience needed.
Let's Win Macnamara + Port Phillip! Elwood Ward Doorknock
Get involved in your neighbourhood! We’re knocking on doors in Elwood Ward to hear from our community about the issues they care about.
Let's Win Yarra + Melbourne! Fitzroy North Doorknock
Get involved in your neighbourhood! We’re knocking on doors in Fitzroy North to hear from our community about the issues they care about
Let's Win Wills + Merri-bek! Hadfield Doorknock
Get involved in your neighbourhood! We’re knocking on doors in Hadfield to hear from our community about the issues they care about.
Letterboxing day of action - Jan Juc and Anglesea
Join us as we hit the streets of Jan Juc and Anglesea to help re-elect Councillor Kate Gazzard!
Fraser Doorknock - Yarraville - Wattle Ward
Let's have persuasive conversations with community members of the west!
Ginninderra Stall - Jamison
Come and join us at our Jamison Centre stall. We will be speaking with our community about the issues that matter to them. Anyone is welcome, no experience needed.
Free Community BBQ in Kingston
Join the Greens for a free BBQ in the community. Let's talk with our neighbours about issues they are facing.