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Why the naysayers are getting UBI all wrong

20 July, 2018 - Universal basic income is often shot down by critics as unrealistic and a waste of money – but according to Mark Norrish, it’s anything but. ...

EOFY and why it matters

22 June, 2018 - At this time of year, it’s likely you're getting letters and emails from organisations encouraging you to make a tax deductible donation. But wh...

Global issues at the National Conference

22 June, 2018 - In a world where everything is interconnected, we mustn't lose sight of global issues at our National Conferences. By Viv Glance   W...

Tampon tax bill passes the Senate

22 June, 2018 - After almost 18 years in the making, we had a huge win this week when the bill to scrap the tax on menstrual items passed the Senate! By Sena...

The extinction: by climate or design?

22 June, 2018 - Global warming has become a huge issue. So how are the changing temperatures and rising natural disasters actually affecting the animal kingdom?...

Towards ecological democracy

22 June, 2018 - In 2018, the issues that the Greens have made our focus for a generation are more urgent than ever. But Green politics have stalled, according t...

20 Questions with Mark Quinn

25 May, 2018 - The Australian Greens' Mark Quinn shares his insights into his experience as the National Office Manager. 1. What do you remember about your f...

Banning new offshore oil and gas: what will it cost us?

25 May, 2018 - How much economic benefit would Australia miss out on if we banned all new fossil fuel extraction projects? By Margaret Hender Every year t...

Big things grow from little things

25 May, 2018 - We take a look back at some of the highlights and key takeaways from our May National Conference in Brisbane. By Alex Schlotzer & Rebecca ...

Housing needs the Medicare treatment

25 May, 2018 - Prior Australian governments have had the sense to implement universal schemes for both education and healthcare. So why aren't we approaching th...

Street stalls go a long way

25 May, 2018 - A street stall can go a long way to connecting with the community and helping members and supporters become good friends. By Alex Schlotzer, N...

20 Questions with Rosalie Gorton-Lee

20 April, 2018 - What's the secret vice of the Tasmanian Greens' Convenor? Rosalie Gorton-Lee shares some insights from her time in the party, where she also fu...