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Learning democracy: Reflections from an Indonesian Green Party intern in SA

20 April, 2018 - In April 2019, Partai Hijau (the Indonesian Greens) will run in the country's election for the very first time – and to help prepare for the ex...

Legalised cannabis, People's Bank, UBI: big ideas to upend the status quo

20 April, 2018 - Legalised cannabis, People's Bank, UBI: Richard Di Natale recaps three exciting, progressive policies we recently introduced into the national ...

Short-term politics over a sustainable future

20 April, 2018 - Australia’s current performance on climate change is considered among the worst in the world. So how exactly did we get here?  By Josep...

Why the aged care sector is failing us all

20 April, 2018 - Australia's rapidly ageing population is putting the aged care sector under increasing pressure. Australian Greens Co-Convenor Rebecca Galdies ...

Illiteracy, the reading wars and policy: Where should the Greens be?

23 March, 2018 - In 1996, ABS data showed that one in five Australian adults were close to illiterate. 20-odd years on, it doesn't appear things have improved –...

Taking stock and looking forward

23 March, 2018 - Richard Di Natale weighs in on a busy few months around the country that culminated in the state elections in SA and Tasmania. By Senator ...

Fight or rise for a new reality?

22 March, 2018 - For many campaign organisations that throw their heart and soul into helping save the planet, there’s a common thread of fighting what’s not wo...

National Council working hard

23 February, 2018 - The Australian Greens Victoria hosted National Council for its February face-to-face meeting, which was jam-packed with interesting agenda i...

The ‘Morning Star’: a symbol of freedom for West Papua

22 February, 2018 - In West Papua, anyone who raises the 'Morning Star' flag—the province's symbol of independence—faces arrest, jail and even torture. That's w...

10 Questions for Alex Bhathal

16 February, 2018 - Ahead of the upcoming Batman by-election, Greens candidate Alex Bhathal tackles 10 quick questions. By Australian Greens    

20 Questions with Roxanne Kennedy-Perriman

16 February, 2018 - Roxanne Kennedy-Perriman takes some time out of her busy schedule to share her insights as Queensland's Volunteer Membership Convenor Assist...

Resetting the Closing the Gap strategy

16 February, 2018 - Senator Rachel Siewert The report this year from the steering committee is in fact a 10-year review of the Closing the Gap strategy and reco...