
Browse all our Green Magazine articles…

Greens activism at home and abroad

14 September, 2018 - The Greens are committed to making a difference in Australia and all around the world – but there is so much more we can all do. By Viv...

Opt to op: how to make more sustainable fashion choices

14 September, 2018 - Ahead of Op Shop Week beginning on 30 September, we examine the impact of fashion on the environment – and how you can opt out by op shoppi...

Supporting women in the Asia Pacific

14 September, 2018 - Through the work of the International Development Committee (IDC), the Australian Greens are committed to supporting women to thrive in Gre...

20 Questions with Colin Smith

24 August, 2018 - Since 1998, Colin Smith has been the Australian Greens’ archivist. He gives us a glimpse into his time with the party, as well as sharing his ...

2018 Supporter Survey: we want to hear from you

17 August, 2018 - Supporter feedback forms a strong foundation for how the Greens plan for the future – and our 2018 Supporter Survey is the perfect opportunity...

A farewell to Lee Rhiannon

17 August, 2018 - With her time as a Greens senator now at an end, Lee Rhiannon reflects on an extraordinary career spent standing up for what matters. Below ar...

Tales from the Larapinta track

17 August, 2018 - Last month, 10 intrepid trekkers hit the Northern Territory's Larapinta trail to raise money for the Greens' federal election campaign – and h...

The NEG will bust the clean energy boom

17 August, 2018 - In this extract from his address to the Clean Energy Council last month, Richard Di Natale discusses why the National Energy Guarantee is pois...

20 Questions with Chilla Bulbeck

20 July, 2018 - WA Greens Convenor Chilla Bulbeck gives us a glimpse into what makes her tick, and tells us why she's so committed to the Greens. 1. What do ...

Super Saturday: a political contest for the ages

20 July, 2018 - Super Saturday is fast approaching, with five federal seats going to the polls next week. So how did we get here, and what does it mean for the ...

Superpowering our way towards critical mass

20 July, 2018 - We‘re living in a point in history that‘s beset by upheaval, social change and collective outrage around the world – so how close are we to a ti...

Taking the Green message abroad

20 July, 2018 - What kind of impact are the Greens making outside of Australia? Former senator Scott Ludlam shares his insights from abroad, where he’s been wor...