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What About Your Neighbour’s Trauma?

29 August, 2023 - Facts can be lost in translation and mislead people, often intentionally, if it suits the politics of the day By Beata Stasak, an Art ...

Robodebt: Reform and Algorithms

29 August, 2023 - The injustice of debt collection from welfare recipients via Robodebt has been exposed by a Royal Commission. But where to from here in pursui...

Déjà Vu All Over Again, Again

29 August, 2023 - Since the debacle of Vietnam, Australia has faithfully followed the USA into the debacles of Iraq and Afghanistan. Now, Australia is gearing u...

Nazi symbols banned in ACT

29 August, 2023 - New criminal offences will help keep Canberrans safe after the ACT Legislative Assembly passed legislation prohibiting the public display of N...

Australian Greens Statement on Myanmar

29 August, 2023 - On the 1st of February 2021, the Tatmadaw, Myanmar’s military junta, launched a military coup against the civilian government. They declared t...

Stamp duty reform has been in the 'too hard' basket for too long

29 August, 2023 - The Victorian Greens have renewed their pressure on the Victorian Labor Government to abolish stamp duty and replace it with a broad-based lan...

Anti-trans hate report must compel Victoria to act on anti-vilification

29 August, 2023 - The Victorian Greens have said the Victorian Labor Government must act now to expand the state’s anti-vilification laws, or risk trans and gen...

Greens introduce bill to ensure developers build fair share of public and affordable homes

29 August, 2023 - The Victorian Greens will today introduce a bill to the Upper House that would amend the state’s planning laws to mandate a minimum of 30 per ...

ABC 7.30 report shows Labor Must Urgently Phase out Live Sheep Exports

29 August, 2023 - Animal Welfare spokesperson Senator Mehreen Faruqi is calling on Labor to phase out live sheep exports urgently, after yet another expose show...

Public school funding gap a fraction of government spending on private sector

28 August, 2023 - The Greens say that the funding shortfall to public schools could be met by reducing government spending on the overfunded private system by o...

Greens launch bold housing statement to provide benchmark for Premier's upcoming reforms

28 August, 2023 - The Victorian Greens have launched a bold, comprehensive housing statement they say will form the basis of their upcoming negotiations with th...

Fossil fuels emissions rise threatens climate, Labor’s targets

25 August, 2023 - The Australian Greens say emissions data released today showing a 2.1% rise in oil and gas emissions over the year to March 2023, to...

Greens call on Labor to consider renationalising Qantas if it refuses to pay back Covid subsidies

25 August, 2023 - The Greens are calling on Qantas to pay back the $2.7 billion in public money it received during the Covid pandemic, and requesting that the f...

Incremental change to gender pay gap little comfort as cost of living bites

25 August, 2023 - On Equal Pay Day this year, women will have worked an extra 56 days, on average, to earn the same as men. The current national gender pay gap ...