Latest News

Heritage refresh to tell Canberra’s stories

25 August, 2023 - It’s time for community input on a proposed refresh of the ACT’s heritage system, to better identify, protect and celebrate places of natural ...

New rebate to help small businesses electrify

25 August, 2023 - ACT small businesses can now access rebates of up to $10,000 to help transition their workplaces and work practices away from fossil-fuel gas ...


25 August, 2023 - The ACT Greens have resolved to campaign for substantial changes to zoning across Canberra as one way to address the escalating housing crisis...

Our Vision for Canberra's future: ACT Greens Planning Policy

24 August, 2023 - On August 21st the ACT Greens members backed an exciting plan for Canberra's future.

NSW Environment in Dire Straits - Scathing Environment Report Tabled in Parliament

24 August, 2023 - The five year statutory review into the NSW Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016 has today been tabled in NSW Parliament, providing a damning in...

Labor robbing future generations by backing coal & gas and refusing real tax reform

24 August, 2023 - The government would have nearly another trillion dollars to tackle intergenerational inequality if Labor implemented popular and progressive ...

Greens give notice of climate change act in both Houses of NSW Parliament

24 August, 2023 - In both Houses of NSW Parliament today, the Greens will give notice of a bill for a Climate Change Act that will legislate a 2035 net zero tar...

ACT Government moves to phase-out wood heaters by 2045

24 August, 2023 - The ACT Government has released its response to the Commissioner for Sustainability and the Environment's investigation into wood heater polic...

Greens Move for Royal Commission into Influence of the Gambling Industry in NSW

23 August, 2023 - Greens MP and spokesperson for Gambling Harm Reduction, Cate Faehrmann, has given notice of a motion in the Upper House calling on the Governm...

Disadvantaged students pay price for two-tiered school system

23 August, 2023 - The Greens say today’s NAPLAN results are evidence that Australia’s two-tiered school system is supercharging disadvantage, and have called fo...

Older, wiser and mentally healthier Canberrans

23 August, 2023 - A new report commissioned by the ACT Government has found Canberrans have better mental health outcomes as they grow older. The PATH Throug...

River Murray Plan Requires Guarantees for SA to pass Senate: Greens

22 August, 2023 - Senator Sarah Hanson-Young is Greens spokesperson for the Environment and Manager of Business for the Greens in the Senate: “Sadly today’s ...

Labor’s decision on Greens’ gas tax amendments a key test

22 August, 2023 - The Greens say they will not be cowed by Labor’s desperate attempts to pass their weak gas tax unamended, and will move amendments when the PR...


22 August, 2023 - The Greens in NSW will be moving to close a loophole that has seen the big accounting firms pay no payroll tax on partner pay. The move to ...

ACT welcomes renewed commitment to delivering the Murray Darling Basin Plan

22 August, 2023 - ACT Minister for Water, Shane Rattenbury, has welcomed the announcement from the Federal Government that they have reached an agreement&n...