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Greens to back 60 day dispensing, will not support Liberals move to block

10 August, 2023 - The Australian Greens will not be supporting the motion to disallow 60 day dispensing, as moved by the Liberals.  Following consultati...

Damning report shows VicForests broke the law again, Greens say they must be shut down

10 August, 2023 - The Victorian Greens have called on the Victorian Labor Government to abolish VicForests, following the release of a damning report by the Vic...

Labor Breaks Promise on Middle-Arm Gas Expansion

9 August, 2023 - Senator Sarah Hanson-Young, Greens Spokesperson for the Environment & Manager of Greens Business in the Senate: “It is extremely disappo...

Senate inquiry into AAD mismanagement established

9 August, 2023 - A Senate inquiry into the current funding mismanagement of the Australian Antarctic Division (AAD) has been established. It comes following the...

More action needed to address sexual violence on university campuses

9 August, 2023 - The Greens are in solidarity with tireless campaigning groups like End Rape on Campus, Fair Agenda, The STOP Campaign and the National Union of...

Suki Dorras-Walker - Greens candidate Lyons Ward by-election 2023

9 August, 2023 - Media Release Tuesday 8th August 2023 Suki Dorras-Walker Announces Candidacy for Lyons Ward By-Election   Suki Dorras-Walker, a p...

Greens bill shifts burden to companies to ensure Traditional Owners are consulted on underwater Cultural Heritage

8 August, 2023 - Greens Senator Dorinda Cox is introducing a Private Senator’s Bill that requires standards of consultation with Traditional Owners to be develo...

Greens bill shifts burden to companies to ensure Traditional Owners are consulted on underwater cultural heritage

8 August, 2023 - Greens Senator Dorinda Cox is introducing a Private Senator’s Bill that requires standards of consultation with Traditional Owners to be develo...

Labor urged to provide Critical Speech Therapy for Children with Cleft Lip and Palate Conditions

8 August, 2023 - The Australian Greens, in collaboration with the Australian Cleft Lip and Palate Community, are proposing amendments to the Health Insuran...

No war without a vote of the Parliament

8 August, 2023 - Today, the government has responded to the report by the Parliamentary Inquiry Into Conflict Decision Making by affirming its decision to refus...

Robust legislation needed to protect cultural heritage

8 August, 2023 - The Greens say robust legislation is needed to protect First Nations cultural heritage and urged the WA Government to carefully consult and con...

Rental crisis inquiry paints dire picture for renters in Victoria

8 August, 2023 - The Victorian Greens have called on the Victorian Labor Government to stop ignoring the growing number of renters struggling to keep a roof ove...

Diversity of Senate Representation Matters

8 August, 2023 - ACT Greens MLA Andrew Braddock has welcomed the public debate about expanding the representation of the Territories in the Senate. “Diversit...

Labor’s new international development policy ignores the hard truths

8 August, 2023 - Acting Greens Leader and International Aid & Global Justice spokesperson Senator Mehreen Faruqi has welcomed the new development policy’s f...

Defence targeted by consultants for billion dollar growth

8 August, 2023 - Media Release The Big 4 consultancies have taken more than $3.7 billion from Defence since 2011.  There has been an extraordinary ra...