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Climate’s Reds and Greens

1 July, 2022 - In the past, The Greens have demonstrated they can work constructively with Labor on climate and have the momentum of bigger support than ever be...

How the Democracy Sausage got Upended

1 July, 2022 - How Labor won FED2022 with less than a third of the primary vote and why The Greens and Independents did so well By Mark Brogan, Climate Crisi...

Onward and Upward

1 July, 2022 - WA’s election results were well worth celebrating By Liberty Cramer, Director, The Greens (WA) What an incredible result! The last time we ...

Decision to privatise VicRoads a neo-liberal shocker

1 July, 2022 - The Victorian Greens have said the Victorian Labor Government’s decision to sell-off parts of VicRoads is further evidence of their addiction to ...

Climate Change Mitigation Checklist

30 June, 2022 - Here are some things you can do personally to mitigate climate change while we wait for businesses and governments to do their part Header ph...

Vegetation changes in NSW point to an out of control land clearing agenda in NSW 

30 June, 2022 - Alarming new data shows that the NSW Government has lost control of land clearing in NSW with the annual clearing rates up 47% since the introdu...

ACT Greens want environment considered first on western edge

29 June, 2022 - The ACT Greens have welcomed the release of preliminary studies for development along the western edge of Canberra and are calling for a conside...

ACT Greens want an end to subsidy for horse racing

27 June, 2022 - The ACT Greens do not want the ACT Government to renew its almost $40m subsidy to the horse racing industry.  “The ACT Government is cur...

Developing a Greens’ position on fighting antisemitism

24 June, 2022 - As a party fundamentally opposed to all forms of bigotry and discrimination, the Greens must have a clear framework for understanding and combat...

Greens condemn extraordinary police interrogations of peaceful residents across NSW

24 June, 2022 - In response to reports of residents across NSW being interrogated by police on their doorsteps, Greens MPs Sue Higginson and Abigail Boyd have t...

Reflections on National Conference

24 June, 2022 - For the first time in more than two years, the Australian Greens held our National Conference in person. And while it was amazing to celebrate o...

Greensland: what changed in the ‘conservative state’

24 June, 2022 - The recent federal election result was the best in the Greens’ history – in particular in Queensland, which gained an additional Senate seat and...

Vale Melva Truchanas: Champion of Wild Tasmania

24 June, 2022 - A champion of the Tasmanian wilderness and a stalwart of the campaign to save and restore Lake Pedder, Melva Truchanas recently died aged 92. He...

Free Assange

24 June, 2022 - The UK’s decision to extradite Julian Assange to the US has sickening consequences: for Julian, for his family, and for press freedom around the...

The most powerful third force

24 June, 2022 - together, we have just done something amazing: we have recorded our best result ever. In his address to the Australian Greens National Conf...