23 June, 2021 - The move by the Coalition and Labor to permanently axe Senate motions is an attack on transparency and democracy that entrenches the big parties...
23 June, 2021 - Australian Greens Animal Welfare spokesperson Senator Mehreen Faruqi has forced the release of draft animal welfare standards for poultry throug...
23 June, 2021 - The ACT Government will investigate recycling options for a range of household electrical appliances and solar panels after the passing of Jo Cl...
23 June, 2021 - Today's budget allocates $1.5 billion of public funding to private schools in NSW, which will reinforce their overfunding beyond the Nation...
23 June, 2021 - A NSW Parliamentary Inquiry into floodplain harvesting has just been established after a successful motion this morning in the NSW Upper House b...
23 June, 2021 - New laws have been passed in the ACT Legislative Assembly today as part of a national effort to modernise Australia’s defamation laws.
23 June, 2021 - The Greens successfully amended the NSW Coalition’s Local Government Elections Bill last night to put in place a long-needed ban on property dev...
23 June, 2021 - As Australia’s first jurisdiction committed to raising the age of criminal responsibility, the ACT Government has today released a discussion pa...
22 June, 2021 - The Greens have slammed the government’s knee-jerk climate denialism as the world delivers yet another stark warning that we risk losing the Gre...
22 June, 2021 - Australian Greens Disability spokesperson Senator Jordon Steele-John has backed calls for the NDIS to scrap its age cap and allow disabled peopl...
22 June, 2021 - Jenny Leong MP, Member for Newtown and NSW Greens spokesperson on Housing and Homelessness has slammed the NSW Liberal/National Government’s 202...
22 June, 2021 - The Greens have said the Victorian Government must act urgently to reduce the over-imprisonment of disadvantaged communities following the relea...
22 June, 2021 - Our community has united in an unprecedented way to make sure that Canberrans in need are supported through challenging times, such as the COVID...
22 June, 2021 - The Victorian Greens have called on the Victorian Government to follow WA’s lead and ban police from accessing QR code data currently being used...
21 June, 2021 - The Greens will oppose the Streamlined Participation Requirements and Other Measures Bill 2021 that will rip $457 from people receiving Jobseeke...