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Greens call on Labor to back $1,000 political donation cap

2 February, 2021 - The Greens welcome Labor’s calls to limit political donations, and look forward to their support for the Greens bill to cap all donations at ...

Donations Data Shows Major Parties Working for the Highest Bidder

2 February, 2021 - The political donations data released today once again shows how corporations are buying influence in the major parties, said Greens Leader i...

Public drunkenness reform an important first step, but not the last: Greens

2 February, 2021 - The Victorian Greens have welcomed a government bill decriminalising public drunkenness and say it follows decades of campaigning by Aborigin...

Greens call for independent review of newly split health and human services departments

2 February, 2021 - The Victorian Greens have said the COVID-19 pandemic has demonstrated the critical need for Victoria to have well-funded, properly structured...

Greens call for amendments to News Media and Digital Platforms Mandatory Bargaining Code

1 February, 2021 - Senator Sarah Hanson-Young, Greens spokesperson for Media and Communications has announced today the Greens will be seeking amendments to the...

PM's austerity politics to force people into poverty

1 February, 2021 - The Prime Minister’s plan to put Australia back into austerity mode will throw thousands of people into poverty and risks bankrupting our nat...

Aquarium weed Frogbit declared a pest plant in the ACT

1 February, 2021 - The freshwater weed Frogbit is now listed as a pest plant so that it can be eradicated to protect Canberra’s natural environment. Ministe...

Caring for Canberra’s unique reserves and waterways

30 January, 2021 - The ACT’s natural environment and the people who work to maintain it will receive an injection of new funding to enhance our precious waterwa...

Labor failing first climate test and helping Morrison

29 January, 2021 - The Australian Greens have said Labor is letting Scott Morrison off the hook as its new climate spokesperson, Chris Bowen, fails to adopt the...

Adam Bandt demands freedom for Park Hotel refugees

29 January, 2021 - Leader of the Australian Greens, Adam Bandt MP, has demanded freedom for 12 refugees imprisoned in the Park Hotel in his electorate of Melbou...

The report to mark the end of Native Forest Logging

29 January, 2021 - The Federal Government’s Independent Report into the Operation of the  Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 has...

Expanding homelessness and housing services

29 January, 2021 - The ACT Government is committed to providing secure, long-term accommodation to Canberrans who need it most. To meet the complex needs of peo...

Greens urge Morrison to introduce stronger environment laws after scathing review

28 January, 2021 - The Greens are calling on the Morrison Government to implement stronger environment laws before we lose our precious nature and wildlife for ...

As Labor drops the ball, Climate Targets Panel puts science back at the top of the debate, where it belongs

28 January, 2021 - The Greens have welcomed a new independent report on Australia’s 2030 targets, which shows Australia’s 2030 targets must be at least doubled ...

Urgent review of lethal shark net measures needed

28 January, 2021 - An alarming new report showing a drastic decline in shark and ray populations is yet another reason shark nets and lethal drum lines must be ...