25 March, 2020 - Over the past several weeks we have watched in alarm as the COVID-19 pandemic has spread rapidly around the world.
As of today here in Victo...
25 March, 2020 - Greens WA spokesperson for Health and Corrective Services Hon Alison Xamon MLC has urged the Government to ensure measures for reducing the spr...
24 March, 2020 - Dr Richard Di Natale has today called on the Australian government to urgently release its COVID-19 modelling in the face of confusing and frag...
24 March, 2020 - The Greens have said that today’s Depression-era job queues follow the Morrison Government’s failure to link its billions in stimulus payments ...
24 March, 2020 - The Greens will continue to push for a targeted package for the arts and creative industries after the Morrison Government refused to support G...
24 March, 2020 - Too many workers don’t have leave entitlements to allow them to economically survive a diagnosis of COVID-19. Frontline staff in people-facing ...
24 March, 2020 - The significant measures proposed by the Government in their emergency measures laws to respond to the COVID-19 crisis highlight the need to ha...
24 March, 2020 - Greens spokesperson for Education Hon Alison Xamon MLC has backed the State School Teachers Union of WA, calling on the WA Government to take i...
24 March, 2020 - Greens spokesperson for Community Services Hon Alison Xamon MLC has called on the Government to ensure that community workers caring for vulner...
24 March, 2020 - The Victorian Greens have called on the Andrews Government to ensure no-one is made homeless or pushed into housing insecurity as a result of t...
23 March, 2020 - More than 250,000 Australians will have an extra $550 a fortnight to get through the Coronavirus crisis, after the Greens pushed the government...
23 March, 2020 - The Greens have circulated amendments in the senate to make sure no-one is disadvantaged by the Government’s stimulus package.
The Greens will...
23 March, 2020 - The Greens have called on the Morrison Government to urgently fund services needed to respond to the increased risk of family violence during t...
22 March, 2020 - "The Government has finally listened to the community and all those living in poverty who have been crying out for an increase to Newstart for ...
21 March, 2020 - The Greens say the Government’s proposed changes to mutual obligations miss the point. Many people on Newstart don’t have or are unable to affo...