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Supporting those in need during the COVID-19 pandemic

25 March, 2020 - Over the past several weeks we have watched in alarm as the COVID-19 pandemic has spread rapidly around the world. As of today here in Victo...

Greens WA call for reduction in prison population to reduce spread of coronavirus

25 March, 2020 - Greens WA spokesperson for Health and Corrective Services Hon Alison Xamon MLC has urged the Government to ensure measures for reducing the spr...

Greens call for release of COVID-19 modelling

24 March, 2020 - Dr Richard Di Natale has today called on the Australian government to urgently release its COVID-19 modelling in the face of confusing and frag...

Lack of wage, job guarantees already starting to bite: Greens

24 March, 2020 - The Greens have said that today’s Depression-era job queues follow the Morrison Government’s failure to link its billions in stimulus payments ...

Greens will keep pushing for targeted package for arts and creative industries

24 March, 2020 - The Greens will continue to push for a targeted package for the arts and creative industries after the Morrison Government refused to support G...

Greens call for urgent nation-wide extension of workers compensation benefits to cover COVID-19

24 March, 2020 - Too many workers don’t have leave entitlements to allow them to economically survive a diagnosis of COVID-19. Frontline staff in people-facing ...

Extraordinary new justice measures

24 March, 2020 - The significant measures proposed by the Government in their emergency measures laws to respond to the COVID-19 crisis highlight the need to ha...

McGowan Government must take steps to close WA schools

24 March, 2020 - Greens spokesperson for Education Hon Alison Xamon MLC has backed the State School Teachers Union of WA, calling on the WA Government to take i...

Individuals working with vulnerable clients must have immediate access to PPE

24 March, 2020 - Greens spokesperson for Community Services Hon Alison Xamon MLC has called on the Government to ensure that community workers caring for vulner...

Victorian renters shouldn't be forced to choose between rent and food

24 March, 2020 - The Victorian Greens have called on the Andrews Government to ensure no-one is made homeless or pushed into housing insecurity as a result of t...

Massive expansion to Coronavirus Supplement after Greens pressure causes Government backflip

23 March, 2020 - More than 250,000 Australians will have an extra $550 a fortnight to get through the Coronavirus crisis, after the Greens pushed the government...

Greens will seek to amend stimulus package to ensure that everyone in the community is supported 

23 March, 2020 - The Greens have circulated amendments in the senate to make sure no-one is disadvantaged by the Government’s stimulus package.  The Greens will...

Reducing family violence during the coronavirus crisis: Greens

23 March, 2020 - The Greens have called on the Morrison Government to urgently fund services needed to respond to the increased risk of family violence during t...

Jobseeker increase welcomed but untenable to drop people back to old rate in 6 months

22 March, 2020 - "The Government has finally listened to the community and all those living in poverty who have been crying out for an increase to Newstart for ...

Changes to mutual obligations make no sense and are cruel and mean spirited

21 March, 2020 - The Greens say the Government’s proposed changes to mutual obligations miss the point. Many people on Newstart don’t have or are unable to affo...