
IDPwD - Greens Commit to Making Trains, Beaches and Public Institutions Accessible

3 December, 2021 - Disabled person and spokesperson for Disability Rights and Services Senator Jordon Steele-John has announced the Australian Greens have relea...

Labor given up on climate: Greens

3 December, 2021 - Greens Leader Adam Bandt MP has criticised today’s climate announcement, saying Labor has given up on climate.   Labor’s target is not consis...

Greens announce Accessible Australia plan – trains, beaches, public institutions to be made accessible

3 December, 2021 - Media release Disabled person and spokesperson for Disability Rights and Services Senator Jordon Steele-John has announced the Australian ...

Labor’s emissions announcement unacceptable to Canberrans, says ACT Greens

3 December, 2021 - In response to the leaking of Labor's updated emission's targets, which are weaker than Labor took to the previous Federal Election, the ACT ...

ACT’s Drug and Alcohol Court helping change lives

3 December, 2021 - On the second anniversary of the ACT’s Drug and Alcohol Court, Attorney-General Shane Rattenbury has celebrated the success of the court in p...

Celebrating inclusivity this International Day of People with Disability

3 December, 2021 - The ACT community is celebrating the rich diversity of Canberra this International Day of People with Disability (I-Day) as part of our colle...

Greens want to end discrimination and commit to making education accessible & employment inclusive

2 December, 2021 - Disabled person and spokesperson for Disability Rights and Services Senator Jordon Steele-John has announced the Australian Greens have relea...

Liberals and Labor join hands to kill off accountability in the Senate

2 December, 2021 - The Greens say today’s move by the Coalition and Labor to reaffirm their dodgy deal to permanently axe Senate motions represents one more nai...

Greens want to end discrimination and commit to making education accessible & employment inclusive

2 December, 2021 - Media release  Disabled person and spokesperson for Disability Rights and Services Senator Jordon Steele-John has announced the Austr...

Legislating ACT climate action – a decade in review

2 December, 2021 - After ten years in operation, a review of the Climate Change and Greenhouse Gas Reduction Act 2010 has found the legislation continues t...

Another year of nation-leading climate action

2 December, 2021 - Canberra remains a leader on climate action with a new report highlighting the ACT’s climate change achievements for 2020-21. Minister for...

Greens-led extinction inquiry reveals Victoria's environment and threatened species underfunded by billions

2 December, 2021 - A Parliamentary inquiry into Victoria’s threatened species has found that the state government has been chronically underfunding the environm...

Greens Announce Accessible Australia Plan for Disabled Australians - Commit to Properly Funding the NDIS

1 December, 2021 - Disabled person and spokesperson for Disability Rights and Services Senator Jordon Steele-John has announced the Australian Greens have relea...

The Greens Announce First Nations Legal Defence Fund

1 December, 2021 - When First Nations people fight for Country, against dirty mining companies or corporate landowners with deep pockets, they’re often locked i...

Parliament votes to secure future of the Australian film sector

1 December, 2021 - Greens spokesperson for the Arts Senator Sarah Hanson-Young responded to the Parliament supporting amendments to a government bill in order t...