
Green Issue: Editorial December 2020

5 January, 2021 - By The Green Issue Editors This year marks the 30th anniversary of The Greens WA. We highlight this issue with a summary of the history of ...

Campaigning in Mining and Pastoral

5 January, 2021 - Frack off: battling to save climate, lands and First Nation's heritage in the Mining and Pastoral region By Kimberly Smith, Greens Candidat...

Lower House Seats?

5 January, 2021 - As the state election nears, will WA face its own Green Wave? Will The Greens win our first lower house seat at a general State Election? B...

Are jobs and housing hotter than climate?

5 January, 2021 - Although climate change is humanity’s greatest issue, the reality for many WA voters is that insecure work and housing are more pressing issue...

Economics now driving Climate Action

5 January, 2021 - Why saving the environment and creating social justice is all about creating jobs  By Greg Johnson, Fremantle-Tangney Greens The mo...

Jane Campbell appointed as new Special Magistrate

5 January, 2021 - Jane Campbell has been appointed as a Special Magistrate of the ACT Magistrates Court, Attorney-General Shane Rattenbury announced today. M...

Tim Clifford’s December Update

4 January, 2021 - Trying to pass a Climate Change Act – try again next year By Hon. Tim Clifford, MLC for East Metropolitan All I want for Christmas is … ...

Diane Evers’ December Update

4 January, 2021 - Continued community action on forests, doorknocking, regional development issues and the release of WA's unambitious climate policies ...

Alison Xamon’s December Update

4 January, 2021 - Confronting the Government’s lack of climate accountability, child protection and disability shortcomings, animal welfare issues, and much mor...

Rachel Siewert's December Update

4 January, 2021 -   Adapting to a challenging year, and continuing the struggle against the threat of widening inequality By Senator Rachel Siewert ...

Our Climate Future

4 January, 2021 - WA and the 1.5oC Paris Agreement Pathway By Mark Brogan, Greens candidate for South Perth in the WA2021 election.  Thanks to Bill...

Thirty Years of Greens (WA)

2 January, 2021 - From first Greens senator to first Greens owned office By Chilla Bulbeck, member of Greens history group Introduction The Greens (WA)...

Celebrating 30 Years

2 January, 2021 - Where have we been, where are we now, and where are we going? On 12th December, some 150 Greens (WA) members gathered at the Bendat Communi...

COVID-19 support for tenants to continue into 2021

22 December, 2020 - Canberrans will have greater housing assurance ahead of the holiday period as the ACT Government continues its COVID-19 support for tenants ...

Greens call for JobKeeper & JobSeeker extension after NSW COVID outbreak

21 December, 2020 - Leader of the Australian Greens Adam Bandt MP has today called on the government to defer the looming cuts to JobKeeper and JobSeeker in lig...