
Mates investigating mates shows ICAC needed

21 October, 2020 - Revelations that the Finance Department inquiry into Assistant Minister Michael Sukkar was outsourced to the law firm he used to work for is ...

Climate revelations at estimates reveal Australia will blow carbon budget

20 October, 2020 - Under questioning from Greens Senate Leader, Larissa Waters, at Senate Estimates, the Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources h...

BHP abandons Olympic Dam expansion showing PM picked a dud

20 October, 2020 - The Prime Minister picked a dud when he put BHP’s Olympic Dam on his list of 15 major projects for fast-tracking through Australia’s environm...

Greens to amend JobMaker wage subsidy to block wage thieves & companies putting shareholders first

20 October, 2020 - Leader of the Australian Greens Adam Bandt MP has today outlined his party’s amendments to the JobMaker wage subsidy package, calling upon La...

Attorney General Impeding the work of the Disability Royal Commission

20 October, 2020 - Tuesday 20 October 2020 Australian Greens Disability spokesperson Senator Jordon Steele-John said today it was unacceptable that the Attorney...

Auditor General confirms ICAC’s funding model threatens independence

20 October, 2020 - The Auditor General’s Special Report into ‘The effectiveness of the financial arrangements and management practices in four integrity agencie...

Nats koala ‘compromise’ a massive overreach opening up more land to clearing

20 October, 2020 - Nats koala ‘compromise’ a massive overreach opening up more land to clearing The NSW Government’s Local Land Services Amendment (Miscellan...

Free pass for racing industry a 'kick in the guts' for Victorians

20 October, 2020 - The Victorian Greens have criticised the Andrews Labor Government for allowing 1,000 racehorse-owners and their ‘connections’ to attend the C...

Gender lens on Budget shows up government

19 October, 2020 - The Greens condemn the Morrison Government for failing to include a gender lens in the Budget, instead leaving it to a non-profit women's org...

ACT Election 2020: ‘History in the making’ as ACT Greens win four seats, final count still to be finalised

18 October, 2020 - On behalf of the ACT Greens, leader Shane Rattenbury has today outlined the party’s initial reflections on the history-making Greens swing in...

Greens back High Court fight to save Murray-Darling

17 October, 2020 - The Greens are backing a High Court challenge to fight for South Australia's water and the Murray-Darling Basin if the Federal Government won...

Morrison must urgently increase resources to get stranded Australians home

16 October, 2020 - Greens Foreign Affairs spokesperson Senator Janet Rice said Morrison’s delay in getting stranded Australians home is unacceptable and has cal...

Engaging Citizens in our Governance and Democracy

16 October, 2020 - The ACT Greens have a vision for a robust, fair and inclusive democracy. The Greens want more citizen participation in our democracy, and hav...

Collaborating for a co-operative Canberra

16 October, 2020 - Did you know that in the Italian city of Bologna, two out of every three workers is a member of a co-operative? Bologna’s co-operatives provi...