
Senate Says Horses Should Not Die At Racetracks

10 November, 2020 - Australian Greens Animal Welfare spokesperson Senator Mehreen Faruqi has welcomed the Senate’s agreement to her motion acknowledging all Mel...

SAS soldiers responsible for war crimes must lose more than their medals

10 November, 2020 -   Tuesday 10 November 2020   Australian Greens Peace and Disarmament spokesperson Senator Jordon Steele-John said any Australian SAS soldier...

Fitzgibbon exit puts 2030 test on Labor

10 November, 2020 - Australian Greens Leader Adam Bandt has responded to Joel Fitzgibbon’s resignation by calling on Labor to join the Greens in pressuring Scot...

Return of Mutual Obligations has seen 74, 434 payments suspended in less than 30 days 

9 November, 2020 - In less than thirty days of mutual obligations being re-instated after they were suspended due to the covid pandemic 74,434 payments have bee...

Senate casts doubt on proposed changes to lending laws

9 November, 2020 - Media Release: Senate casts doubt on proposed changes to lending laws November 9, 2020 The Senate today supported a Greens motion condemning ...

Biden win brings focus back onto 2030 targets

9 November, 2020 - Greens Leader Adam Bandt says the Greens will back a new climate bill from the crossbench, but that stronger action by 2030 is needed and tha...

Greens move to fix JobMaker, remove corporate welfare

9 November, 2020 - Australian Greens Leader Adam Bandt has said the JobMaker Wage Subsidy must not pass parliament as corporate welfare, as the party’s major am...

Greens Back Independent Inquiry Into Melbourne Cup Death

6 November, 2020 - The Greens have backed calls from animal welfare groups and an equine veterinarian for an independent investigation and necropsy report into ...

Morrison must not remain idle as democracy attacked and climate test looms

6 November, 2020 - Greens Leader Adam Bandt has condemned the outright assault on American democracy launched by Donald Trump as he attempts to undermine the vo...

Victorian Greens nab historic win in local election, including first ever Greens-majority council

6 November, 2020 - The Victorian Greens are on track for their most successful local government election ever by securing a record number of councillors, includ...

Big battery an important step towards a renewable future, but plan for coal still needed

5 November, 2020 - The Victorian Greens have welcomed news that a 300MW battery will be installed in Victoria over the next year, saying it forms part of the 'G...

Morrison and McCormack a threat to Australia

4 November, 2020 - Responding to calls from the Deputy Prime Minister that he should resign for calling for a phase-out of coal, Greens Leader, Adam Bandt, has ...

Green Issue: Editorial October 2020

4 November, 2020 - By The Green Issue Editors This year there has been considerable discussion, particularly in the Fremantle-Tangney and Brand Greens Region...

Strengthened crossbench will give the community a strong voice in the Assembly: ACT Greens

4 November, 2020 - The Greens have today announced a plan for crossbench MLAs to give the community a strong voice in the Legislative Assembly. Andrew Braddock,...

Thalidomide Compensation

4 November, 2020 - At last, compensation for the forgotten victims of the thalidomide disaster By Senator Jordon Steele-John In last month’s Federal budge...