
Trillions of litres of water missing from Murray-Darling on LNP's watch

3 September, 2020 - Today’s report showing two trillion litres of water is missing from the Murray-Darling Basin shows the Liberal-National Government has misma...

Green Issue: Editorial August 2020

3 September, 2020 - By the Green Issue Editorial Team This August marks the 75th anniversary of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima on 6th August 1945 and Nagas...

Bishops Rorting Poor Students Must Be Held Accountable: Greens

2 September, 2020 - Australian Greens Spokesperson for Education, Senator Mehreen Faruqi, has reacted to the Catholic Schools NSW documents leaked to the ABC th...

Tale of two economies – big business profits while main street hit with austerity

2 September, 2020 - The Australian economy is experiencing the best of times and worst of times, as both company profits and share prices soar, while on the oth...

Additional funding to support victims of crime

2 September, 2020 - Victim Support ACT will receive $130 000 in funding to meet substantial increases in demand for frontline victim services as a result of the...

Tim Clifford’s August Update

2 September, 2020 - Confronting cash for access and the need for rental assistance By Hon. Tim Clifford, MLC for East Metropolitan As the pandemic in Aust...

Diane Evers’ August Update

2 September, 2020 - Ending native forest logging, preventing river damming, reviving railways and generally working towards regional regeneration By Hon. Dia...

Robin Chapple’s August Update

2 September, 2020 - Still dealing with the Juukan Gorge Cave destruction, and further threats to our northern environment, such as fracking By Hon. Robin Ch...

Alison Xamon’s August Update

2 September, 2020 - In a number of areas, there is increasing concern about the lack of transparency in Government processes By Hon. Alison Xamon, MLC, Membe...

Rachel Siewert’s August Update

2 September, 2020 - Time to step down, but plenty to do during this critical time and before I leave the Senate By Senator Rachel Siewert Many of you will...

Fear and Despair

2 September, 2020 - Searching for a sane and healthy response to nuclear and climate crises By Rob Delves, Green Issue Co-editor Hope, denial, fear, desp...

Outliving Nuclear Weapons

2 September, 2020 - Has the ongoing nuclear weapons standoff really prevented another world war, or are we just lucky, so far? By Adrian Glamorgan, a writer ...

Greens launch major plan to tackle Canberra’s growing inequality crisis

2 September, 2020 - The ACT Greens will today launch their ‘Supporting the Community Sector’ package - a comprehensive action plan to tackle Canberra’s growing ...

Mayors for Peace

2 September, 2020 - Local government definitely has a role to play in nuclear disarmament and engendering global peace By Dr Brad Pettitt, Mayor of Fremantl...

Rental scheme failing newly unemployed Victorians

2 September, 2020 - The Victorian Greens have released damning figures that show the state government’s rental relief scheme is failing newly unemployed renters...