
Gas industry wishlist a fracking nightmare: Bandt

14 September, 2020 - Leader of the Australian Greens Adam Bandt MP has today slammed a proposed wishlist from Australia's peak gas body that would see the metha...

ACT Greens plan for City to Woden Light Rail Express

14 September, 2020 - To ensure that the Woden-City service is convenient and used by as many Canberrans as possible, the ACT Greens will commit to every second ...

Greens condemn Adani for silencing climate activist

11 September, 2020 - Responding to the Supreme Court’s decision to grant Adani a temporary injunction to silence anti-Adani activist Ben Pennings, Senator for Q...

Extremely Reassuring the Govt is acting to Save Koalas from Extinction

11 September, 2020 - "It’s extremely reassuring to see the NSW Premier and her Planning and Environment Ministers taking the findings and recommendations from t...

Canberra’s first Neighbourhood Democracy package

11 September, 2020 - The ACT Greens will today announce a commitment to deliver Canberra’s first Neighbourhood Democracy package, giving the Canberra community,...

Cost of fast-tracking tax cuts could fund $225b of recovery investment instead, new PBO costings reveal

10 September, 2020 - As calls grow for a $220b infrastructure spend to tackle the recession, new costings completed by the Parliamentary Budget Office, at the r...

Horse Register Commitment Welcome But Now The Work Must Begin

10 September, 2020 - Australian Greens Animal Welfare spokesperson Senator Mehreen Faruqi has welcomed the Australian Government’s response to the Senate inquir...

Leave science to the scientists: Guy Barnett must release bushfire information

10 September, 2020 - Senator Peter Whish-Wilson has called on Tasmanian Minister for Resources Guy Barnett to not withhold critical information needed for bushf...

Extra $1.1 million local investment in clean, green energy projects

10 September, 2020 - The latest round of the ACT Government’s Renewable Energy Innovation Fund (REIF) Direct Grants will provide the sector more than $1.1 milli...

Greens plan to put community back at the heart of the Canberra’s community clubs

10 September, 2020 - The ACT Greens will deliver a network of pokie-free clubs around Canberra as part of a comprehensive package to curb community clubs’ depen...

Australian Greens build anti-racism strategy to combat rising alt-right hate

9 September, 2020 - Leader of the Australian Greens, Adam Bandt, has today announced a portfolio redistribution that will see Lidia Thorpe and Mehreen Faruqi ta...

Time for vote on ICAC bill one year on

9 September, 2020 - The Morrison government still refuses to call the Greens bill to establish a federal corruption watchdog on for a vote, one year after it pa...

Greens announce new party room lineup to push for Green New Deal and compassionate pandemic recovery

9 September, 2020 - Leader of the Australian Greens, Adam Bandt MP has announced the lineup of his new Greens team, following Lidia Thorpe's first Party Room Me...

Senator Lidia Thorpe takes on First Nations portfolio

9 September, 2020 - Gunnai and Gunditjmara woman, Senator Lidia Thorpe, is thrilled to have been handed the responsibility of the First Nations portfolio in the...

Electric buses now

9 September, 2020 - The ACT Greens welcome ACT Labor’s commitment to transition the ACT’s public bus fleet to zero emissions over time - however, this commitmen...