
Justice Legislation Amendment (Terrorism) Bill 2018

26 July, 2018 - Ms PENNICUIK (Southern Metropolitan) — Thank you, Acting President Gepp, and I congratulate you on your ascension to the role of Acting Presiden...

The Bight must be protected, not exploited by big fossil fuels

25 July, 2018 - The fossil fuels industry is spruiking an economic boon that would benefit them, not South Australians, if oil and gas drilling were to go ahead...

South Australia rejects Liberal Government’s nuke waste dump

25 July, 2018 - Australian Greens nuclear spokesperson Senator Sarah Hanson-Young has slammed the Liberal Government’s bribe to the Hawker and Kimba communities...

Firearms Amendment (Silencers) Bill 2018

25 July, 2018 - Ms PENNICUIK (Southern Metropolitan)  — I rise to make a contribution on the private members Firearms Amendment (Silencers) Bill 2018 intro...

Sustainability fund at risk of not achieving objectives

25 July, 2018 - The Victorian Greens are calling on the Andrews Government to urgently address their failure to invest funds collected by the Municipal and Indu...

War on waste and grassroots change.

25 July, 2018 - The ABC’s War on Waste began its second season last night. I watched it with hundreds of thousands, if not millions of Australians across the co...

Statement on Tibet

25 July, 2018 - Ms TRUONG (Western Metropolitan) (18:48) — My adjournment matter is for the Premier, Daniel Andrews. The current environmental threats facing Ti...

Don't Ditch Our Dogs! Renters Rights Now!

24 July, 2018 - Don't Ditch Our Dogs! Renters Rights Now! Renters hold a protest outside Parliament to highlight the Premier's broken promise to introduce le...

Crunch time for Liberals on fracking - can they be trusted to keep their word?

24 July, 2018 - On Wednesday afternoon, the Upper House of State Parliament will vote on a Greens' Bill to ban fracking for gas in the South East region of Sout...

Brimbank level crossing removal

23 July, 2018 - [Constituency question] on Brimbank level crossing removal My question today is for the Minister for Public Transport, Jacinta Allan. Brimban...

The Greens’ plan to protect takayna/Tarkine

20 July, 2018 - The Greens have a plan to protect takayna/the Tarkine in a National Park that is owned and run by Aboriginal Tasmanians. Greens candidate for Br...

Turnbull and Tudge should stop dividing

20 July, 2018 - The Turnbull Government should stop punishing and demonising migrants if it wants to help people settle in Australia, Greens Immigration and Cit...

Labor must reject National Energy Guarantee: Bandt

20 July, 2018 - Australian Greens climate and energy spokesperson Adam Bandt MP has welcomed reports Federal Labor intends to reject the National Energy Guarant...

Victims of sexual assault and harassment must be supported: Greens

20 July, 2018 - The Australian Greens are encouraging universities to adopt the guidelines for sexual assault and harassment put forward by Universities Austral...

Greens shared values with state’s farmers

20 July, 2018 - Victorian Greens leader Samantha Ratnam will call on the Andrews Government and Liberal National coalition to commit to making the moratorium on...