
Schools funding needs to be fixed, not cut

2 May, 2017 - Schools funding in Australia needs to be reformed to reflect a genuine needs based model, but that can’t be done by cutting funding across the cou...

$20 million trialling the cashless card could be much better spent on services for people struggling: Greens

2 May, 2017 - The Government should abandon the punitive cashless welfare card and invest the money in programs that really work, Australian Greens Senator Rach...

Manus Island Detention Centre ban

2 May, 2017 - Greens Immigration spokesperson Nick McKim says the decision to bar him from visiting Australia's Manus Island detention centre continues the disg...

Greens welcome ADF transparency first step

2 May, 2017 - The changes in reporting casualties in the Middle East announced by the ADF are a long overdue first step towards transparency, the Australian Gre...

Students already doing more than enough to contribute their fair share

2 May, 2017 - The Australian Greens will vote against the Government’s assault on students and young people in its cruel university funding model. “By investing...

The women of Australia deserve more than cheap words

2 May, 2017 - Senator Larissa Waters The safety net for survivors of domestic violence is full of holes, and our politicians know it. Prime Minister Malcolm Tur...

Anna's Adani

2 May, 2017 - Bob Brown Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk has tied Labor tightly into the disastrous Adani coal mine venture in the Galilee Basin west of...

Queensland Greens give evidence to Crime and Corruption Commission on ways to clean up local government

1 May, 2017 - At today’s hearings of the Crime and Corruption Commission into the conduct of local government elections, the Queensland Greens will renew their ...

New $1 per trip SA transport tax should end when taxi compo ends

1 May, 2017 - The Greens will again move in State Parliament to ensure that the $1 per trip levy on all taxi, Uber and chauffeur rides will end once the taxi co...

Uni students and young Australians to cop it in Turnbull’s Budget

1 May, 2017 - The Australian Greens are concerned that, in the lead up to the Federal Budget, the government’s loyalties seem to lie with property investors and...

Your input matters

1 May, 2017 - Rod Swift and Catherine Garner One of the unique factors that sets the Greens apart from other parties is that our members determine our policies....

Improving diversity of voices at National Conference

1 May, 2017 - Alex Schlotzer To make sure we're doing something proactive about diversity, we signed off on the establishment of the national Multicultural Com...

Exciting days at Global Greens Congress

1 May, 2017 - Gösta Lyngå The 4th Congress of the Global Greens was joined by almost 2000 Greens from around 100 countries, meeting at an excellent venue in Liv...

Where are the leaders with disabilities?

1 May, 2017 - Christina Ryan Australians with disabilities sit on boards, lead teams, run organisations, and represent our communities from the local level righ...

Call for cooling-off period when public companies poach public sector executives

30 April, 2017 - TOP bureaucrats and government executives should be stopped from parachuting straight into big business, ­according to a state MP. Upper House ...