
The Australian Greens stand with Australia's students and universities

24 April, 2017 - The Australian Greens have pledged to use their power in the Parliament to protect Australia's higher education sector from any further funding...

Some WA election campaign reflections

23 April, 2017 - Judy Blyth With former Premier Barnetts star clearly falling, there was excitement in the air over the possibilities of the March 11 election a...

The Banner

22 April, 2017 - Julie Scanlon The Banner first appeared at the last Breakfast @ Barnetts. Even though many were hopeful, no one dared at that stage to say with...

Roll Out the Barrel - Joyce’s Meddling Puts Australian Agriculture at Risk

21 April, 2017 - The Australian Greens have today labelled Barnaby Joyce’s ill-advised move of the Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority to h...

Dutton caught in outrageous Manus Island lie

21 April, 2017 - Peter Dutton has been caught out lying about people seeking asylum on Manus Island and must resign or be sacked, Greens Immigration spokesperso...

Manus Island and Nauru Senate Inquiry

21 April, 2017 - Evidence presented to the Senate inquiry into the conditions on Manus Island and Nauru should prompt the immediate closure of both offshore det...

Chevron’s greedy tax fight proves it can’t be trusted with the Bight

21 April, 2017 - Chevron has proven it cannot be trusted with the pristine environment of the Great Australian Bight if they refuse to play by Australia’s tax r...

Chevron’s greedy tax fight proves it can’t be trusted with the Bight

21 April, 2017 - Chevron has proven it cannot be trusted with the pristine environment of the Great Australian Bight if they refuse to play by Australia’s tax r...

Manus Island and Nauru Senate Inquiry

21 April, 2017 - Evidence presented to the Senate inquiry into the conditions on Manus Island and Nauru should prompt the immediate closure of both offshore det...

Greens to create 5,500 jobs and rollback privatisation of Queensland’s electricity system

21 April, 2017 - The Queensland Greens have announced the second phase of their Power for People Plan, dealing with Queensland’s electricity generation sector a...

Roll Out the Barrel - Joyce’s Meddling Puts Australian Agriculture at Risk

21 April, 2017 - The Australian Greens have today labelled Barnaby Joyce’s ill-advised move of the Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority to h...

Dutton caught in outrageous Manus Island lie

21 April, 2017 - Peter Dutton has been caught out lying about people seeking asylum on Manus Island and must resign or be sacked, Greens Immigration spokesperso...

Victorian government opposition to plastic bag ban dealt another blow

21 April, 2017 - The Victorian Labor government’s opposition to a plastic bag ban has been dealt another blow, with New South Wales Labor leader Luke Foley over...

A blight on our community

21 April, 2017 - Sue Pennicuik In 2015, Greyhound Racing came to public attention in a way it never had before following the appalling revelations of widespread...

Peter Dutton's values are not Australian values

20 April, 2017 - Peter Dutton and Malcolm Turnbull's rolling citizenship announcements are a transparently desperate attempt to win back votes from Pauline Hans...