
BP drilling for oil - Don’t take the Bight out of SA

30 June, 2016 - The Australian Greens are the only party fighting to protect the Great Australian Bight by standing up to mining companies seeking to drill in t...

Greens launch national community infrastructure fund

30 June, 2016 - Infant health centres, jobs and training hubs, sports clubs, learning centres, libraries and community centres and service facilities will get a...

Greens MP introduces bill to protect remote communities

30 June, 2016 - 30 June 2016 Today WA Greens Member for the Mining and Pastoral Region Robin Chapple MLC gave his second reading speech of the Prevention of For...

Greens commit to help our hard-hit Pacific island neighbours with $3.6 billion per year in climate finance

30 June, 2016 - The Australian Greens today committed to do Australia’s fair share in providing climate finance to help developing nations transition to clean e...

Greens plan to cool cities

30 June, 2016 - Commercial offices, shopping centres, schools, hospitals, and hotels would be retrofitted with solar panels, ‘green’ walls and efficient applian...

Bob Day must condemn vicious anti-gay group

29 June, 2016 - The Australian Greens are calling on Family First Senator Bob Day to condemn the vicious anti-gay rhetoric printed in 100,000 pamphlets supporti...

Green’s to eliminate Australia’s housing waiting list within ten years

29 June, 2016 - The Australian Greens would eliminate Australia’s public housing waiting list within ten years through a new infrastructure bank administering z...

Andrews end of life laws fail to include dying with dignity

28 June, 2016 - Greens welcome the Victoiran Governemnt's proposal for improved end of life laws, but say it falls short as they do not include assisted dying (...

Urgent action needed to address rates of suicide in the Kimberley: Greens

28 June, 2016 - Time, money and effort must be immediately poured into the Kimberley region to address tragic suicide rates that are amongst the highest in the ...

Greens to create firefighting capacity within the Australian Defence Force

28 June, 2016 - The Greens have pledged to establish a specialist firefighting unit within the Australian Defence Force and bolster Australia’s aerial firefight...

Mandogalup residents should be compensated over State land grab

28 June, 2016 - More than 100 residents who stand to lose out if the WA Government passes legislation allowing a buffer zone around the Kwinana Industrial area ...

Greens call for farmer protection and oppose lifting the gate to GM Crops in WA

28 June, 2016 - Greens South Metropolitan MLC Lynn MacLaren will today reiterate her opposition to the Genetically Modified Crops Free Areas Repeal Bill – telli...

1UP: Greens announce initiative to invest in videogames industry

28 June, 2016 - It's time government recognised the value of the Australian video games industry and gave it the same level of support as other creative industr...

Greens to create firefighting capacity within the Australian Defence Force

28 June, 2016 - The Greens have pledged to establish a specialist firefighting unit within the Australian Defence Force and bolster Australia’s aerial firefight...

Greens call for farmer protection and oppose lifting the gate to GM Crops in WA

28 June, 2016 - Greens South Metropolitan MLC Lynn MacLaren will today reiterate her opposition to the Genetically Modified Crops Free Areas Repeal Bill – telli...