Victorian News

Housing in regional Victoria unaffordable, not just in Melbourne

27 April, 2017 - Today’s Anglicare rental affordability snapshot shows that housing is out of reach for Australia’s most vulnerable people even in rural areas s...

Surf Coast Council shows great leadership on marriage equality

27 April, 2017 - Surf Coast Council shows great leadership on marriage equality   Australian Greens LGBTIQ spokesperson Senator Janet Rice today congratulated V...

Reversing community legal sector cuts welcome, but more funding required to meet need

24 April, 2017 - Reversing community legal sector cuts welcome, but more funding required to meet need Australian Greens Senator for Victoria Janet Rice today w...

Ridesourcing Services - Committee

23 April, 2017 - Ms DUNN (Eastern Metropolitan) — In terms of this particular inquiry I think it is important to note that as part of the inquiry into ridesourc...

Roll Out the Barrel - Joyce’s Meddling Puts Australian Agriculture at Risk

21 April, 2017 - The Australian Greens have today labelled Barnaby Joyce’s ill-advised move of the Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority to h...

Victorian government opposition to plastic bag ban dealt another blow

21 April, 2017 - The Victorian Labor government’s opposition to a plastic bag ban has been dealt another blow, with New South Wales Labor leader Luke Foley over...

Overcrowded, unreliable V/line trains are here to stay

20 April, 2017 - Regional train travellers should prepare to stand for long periods, with V/line CEO James Pinder today conceding there is no plan to cut overcr...

Victorian ‘environment’ minister opposes plastic bag ban

20 April, 2017 - Victoria’s environment department today outsourced the role of reducing marine plastic pollution to the big supermarkets, refusing to back the ...

Victoria alone in opposing safe cycling laws

19 April, 2017 - The Victorian government is now alone in opposing minimum bicycle overtaking distance laws following the Western Australian Labor government's ...

Janet speaks in Parliament on Victoria's forests

18 April, 2017 - Minister Canavan and the government in general are living in a fantasy land when it comes to the impacts of native forest logging, where, just ...

Janet speaks on Great Barrier Reef coral bleaching

18 April, 2017 - I have only had the privilege of visiting the Great Barrier Reef once. It was just over a decade ago. I was there with my family, with my kids....

Janet stands up for Australia's anti-discrimination laws

18 April, 2017 - This debate [on weakening Australia's anti-discrimination laws] is not happening in a vacuum. It is not something confined to the chambers of t...

Greens say airport rail overdue

7 April, 2017 - Greens Prahran MP Sam Hibbins says the state government needs to drop its opposition to a train line to the airport, even if Labor's Transurban ...

Greens call for Greyhound racing to be banned rather than promoted to children

5 April, 2017 - Minister for Racing Martin Pakula announced this week a joint funding package of more than $126,000 to support the Easter School Holidays Kids P...

Greens challenge Premier to eat contaminated barra

5 April, 2017 - Greens MP Sam Hibbins has challenged the Premier to eat one of the Barramundi his government released into the Hazelwood pondage, following an E...