ALL Greens Events

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Calling & Data Party

Help us recruit volunteers to our campaign by phone, or enter data from our recent doorknocks.

Local Campaigners Strategy Update (evening edition)

Come along and get an update on where our community campaigns are at, receive some training and resources and hear from other campaigners across the state!

Red Centre Doorknock! July 17th!

Join the NT Greens campaign team as we connect with locals to hear about what issues matter to them most.

Fraser campaign night

Join us for data entry, recruitment calls and texts and other bits and bobs to support us building power in the community

Greens 101 and Welcome

So you've signed up to get more involved with the what?


Join Katherine and fellow volunteers for a fun evening together!

New Members Welcome Session

Join us at our next welcome session for new members

Macnamara Gasworks Farmer's Market

Come Chat to Voters at the Farmers Market

Let's Win Yarra! Fitzroy North Doorknock

Get involved in your neighbourhood! We’re knocking on doors in Fitzroy North to hear from our community about the issues they care about.