ALL Greens Events

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Red Centre Doorknock! July 10th!

Join the NT Greens campaign team as we connect with locals to hear about what issues matter to them most.

Fraser campaign night

Join us for data entry, recruitment calls and texts and other bits and bobs to support us building power in the community

July local Government candidates catch-up

Local government monthly candidate catch-ups and trainings

Murrumbidgee Politics in the Pub

Join us for a get together to recharge our batteries and meet up with ACT Greens volunteers in Murrumbidgee!

Philly Greens Beers

Get to know other members on the Port Phillip Branch over a cold one

Housing Forum July 11th

Hear from local candidates Asta Hill and Hugo Wells about the NT Greens Housing & Homeless Policy. Other speakers to be announced.

LG Volunteer Recruitment Training

Come along and learn how to make good volunteer recruitment phone calls to kick start your local government campaign!

Macnamara Elwood Farmer's Market

Come chat to voters at the Farmer's Market

Ginninderra Doorknock - Lawson

Meet at SV Coffee & Bakery in Lawson on Saturday 13 July at 10am for a great doorknock, come chat to your local community about the issues that matter!