NSW Greens Events
Greens Doorknocking for Sydney - Chippendale
Join Luc and the Sydney campaign team as we connect with locals in Chippendale.
After the after party - potluck in the park
Join the Greens for Grayndler campaign as we swap stories and share food for our potluck in the park event.
Greens for Grayndler Phonebanking
Join us as we reach out to our supporters and voters to grow our Greens movement in Grayndler
New Volunteer Welcome Session
Learn about the Greens NSW and how you can drive change this election!
Taking on Trump and the Far Right with Senator David Shoebridge
Join us as we kick off the year with big discussions on how we organise to win
Greens Grayndler Campaign: Hurlstone Park Doorknock
Join the Grayndler campaign team as we connect with locals in Hurlstone Park about what issues matter to them most.
Phonebanking + Trivia for Grayndler
Join us as we reach out to our supporters and voters to grow our Greens movement in Grayndler and have some fun along the way
Cowper Greens Campaign Launch
Join Wendy Firefly and friends to launch the Cowper Campaign in an evening of fun and dancing.
Greens Letterbox for Paterson Campaign
Join the Paterson campaign team as we letterbox the electorate
Greens Doorknocking for Sydney - Glebe
Join Luc and the Sydney campaign team as we connect with locals in Glebe.
Greens for Grayndler: Leichhardt Doorknock
Join the Grayndler campaign team as we connect with locals in Leichhardt about what issues matter to them most.
Banks, Barton and Watson Campaign Launch and Iftar!
Come join our Greens Candidates for Watson, Barton, & Banks and other special guests to hear our plan to bring the Green wave out West!