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$81 billion of revenue measures, explained with doggos

19 December, 2016 - The Australian Greens The government has handed down its mid-year budget outlook, but forgot the practical revenue measures that would make ...

Alinta Energy must protect our farmers and commit to frack-free gas

19 December, 2016 - Jules Kirby Despite being opposed to unconventional gas and fracking, many West Australians would be shocked to discover that they have inad...

Editorial: towards a state election

19 December, 2016 - Rob Delves Along with many others (including dozens of Greens members), several of my pre-Christmas mornings have been spent keeping watch a...

Forests for Life

19 December, 2016 - Jess Beckerling On Sunday 11th December economic think tank The Australia Institute published its latest report Barking Up The Wrong Trees, ...

Greens on a roll in Victorian local government elections

19 December, 2016 - Rob Salter  The Greens success in the recent Victorian local government election should be a source of encouragement – and lessons – for our...

Indoctrinating Isabella

19 December, 2016 - Cuttlewoman What are trees? I do not know. I expect they are alien. They are killed by the sky. Thats why there are not so many of them. Can...

Racism down through the years

19 December, 2016 - Chris Johansen Recent overt manifestations of racism in Australia (e.g. 'stop the boats, the resurgence of Pauline Hansons One Nation) and g...

Telling our social justice education story

19 December, 2016 - Rob Delves The Education policy story that The WA Greens want to tell in 2017 is a story about social justice. It begins with a strong state...

The City – Country Separation

19 December, 2016 - Adrian Price A few generations ago, most city people had relatives or friends in the country areas, indeed in the 1950s, Osborne Park and ot...

Watching a Beetle

19 December, 2016 - Renee Pettitt-Schipp I watch the beetle make her slow way along the path, her journey knows every rise in concrete, every sweep of mortar. ...

20 Questions with Rafeif Ismail

9 December, 2016 - Viv Glance Rafeif lived the early years of her life under a military dictatorship and saw first-hand the effects of war and government-sancti...

All the way with WA

9 December, 2016 - Rebecca Galdies The theme of this year's November Conference was “What the Future Holds”. Our November National Conference is always an inspi...