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WA calling

9 December, 2016 - Andrew Beaton ­During the Federal election and up to our latest door knock, weve been talking with voters across the state to ask w­­­hat iss...

A crystal of hope

8 December, 2016 - Stephen Luntz I've been covering science for a long time. I'm very familiar with technologies that looked hugely exciting, but ended up going...

Greens women take the lead in Victorian Councils

8 December, 2016 - Naomi Blackburn The news for Victorian Greens just keeps getting better. After our biggest local government election yet, in which we increas...

Crunch time for housing services

4 December, 2016 - Emma Davidson The rising tide of Australians impacted by housing affordability issues has become impossible to ignore. Everyone has heard abo...

Give it a rest

22 November, 2016 - Nick McKim Dear Australian, I write to you from a bunker in Tasmania, too afraid to step outside my door as a 50-something white man of some...

No rest for the wicked

21 November, 2016 - We couldn't achieve as much as we do without the dedication and commitment of a cast of thousands — in particular our fantastic national off...

On the shoulders of giants

21 November, 2016 - A whirlwind six months in which the party has improved the professionalism of its approach to the management of financial issues with regula...

A huge year

16 November, 2016 - Dr Richard Di Natale After a huge year in federal politics we Greens are in an exciting spot. We have more members than ever before, and our...

A voice for the people

16 November, 2016 - The last 12 months have basically been at the pace of an election; we tried our best to speak to issues that matter to the community, partic...

Another world is possible

16 November, 2016 - We must not let ourselves be distracted by the far-right's attempts to have us lay the ills of the world on those who are already doing it t...

Around the world

16 November, 2016 - With a study tour bringing 22 people to Australia from around the world, formalising the Asia-Pacific Greens from an informal network to a r...

Campaigning, climate and courage

16 November, 2016 - It's been a hectic year — straight into the campaign trail, then hard work on schools, justice, small business and now immigration while Tas...