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Agricultural Region Issues and Priorities

24 February, 2017 - Ian James The recent floods in the wheatbelt have severely affected farmers in the Agricultural Region, myself included. I run a broadacre f...

Confessions of a Greens Doorknocking Addict

24 February, 2017 - Rob Delves Lets start with Confession. Its an activity thats supposedly wonderfully cleansing for the soul – especially a soul tortured by t...

East Metro Issues and Priorities

24 February, 2017 - Evan Webb The sheer diversity of demographics provides a unique challenge for campaigners in the East Metropolitan region. The electorate it...

North Metro Issues and Priorities

24 February, 2017 - Alison Xamon Many of the issues which arise in North Metro are the same issues that arise across all of the metropolitan area. Inappropriate...

Rachel's page

24 February, 2017 - Senator Rachel Siewert Whilst many of us were buying Christmas presents and settling down for a well-earned rest in December, the Government...

Scott's page

24 February, 2017 - Senator Scott Ludlam The first session of parliament in 2017, and my first session since returning from leave, was about the global and the ...

South West Region Priorities

24 February, 2017 - Diane Evers Having spent the past three months touring the South West and listening to Greens supporters as well as those not yet Green, I h...

20 Questions with Effy Elden

23 February, 2017 - Emma Davidson and Rosanne Bersten There are some people who throw themselves heart and soul into a cause. Effy is one of them. Often to be f...

20 Questions with Peter Carden

23 February, 2017 - Emma Davidson Getting to know my neighbour Peter was one of the best things about 2016 for me. His passion and energy for the environment an...

Bearing Witness, Holding Hope; reflections on the protests at the Beeliar Wetlands

23 February, 2017 - Renee Pettitt-Schipp The aggression and violence that has been displayed in the last few months by our State Government toward our environme...

Greens in the Centre

23 February, 2017 - Dalton Dupuy On the 20-21 May 2017, the first Australian Greens National Conference for the year will be held in Alice Springs. This is a ve...

Knocking on East Metro Doors (lots of them)

23 February, 2017 - Mary OByrne For the last three years the Greens WA have invested heavily in training the membership in effective campaigning skills. Doorkno...